VOH Africa

Villages of Hope: Africa Society is a Canadian Charitable Organization. Our mission is to bring lasting hope to orphans and vulnerable children throughout Africa by providing them with holistic and loving care so they can embrace adulthood as contributing members of society. Learn more

Measles Outbreak in Zambia: This Week at Villages of Hope

National Measles Immunization Day in Zambia Zambia experienced an outbreak of Measles this week, so the government ordered that every child aged 6 months to 15 years be vaccinated. VOH-Chongwe was very thankful that the local hospital came and vaccinated all of the children at the Village! Here is Baby Isaiah from the childrens’ home […]

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VOH-Burundi Opens its First Children’s Home: This Week at Villages of Hope

Expanding the VOH Family in Burundi VOH-Burundi opened its first children’s home this past week! Here is a picture of Donavine – the House Mother – and two of the children in the home: Vanessa(left) & Rachel(right). The plan is to have four children move in this week. We are so excited to have them

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VOH-Malawi Finds Permanent Home for their School: This Week at Villages of Hope

A Permanent Home for VOH-Malawi School VOH-Malawi was just given a permanent home for our school – 4 classrooms and an administration building! Now we are able to pick up orphans from the nearby village and give them a quality education along with our VOH children. *** Meet the Twins of VOH-Kitwe VOH Kitwe is

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