We were away for a few weeks, but we’re back and here’s what’s been happening at our various VOH locations while we were gone…
VOH Bwiza (Burundi) Update: Alphonse’s Story

Alphonse is one of our children at VOH Bwiza. A woman from the community looked after him when he was young and had no safe place to stay. She eventually brought him to us at VOH Bwiza, and when we opened our children’s homes, he was one of the first beneficiaries. Now, through our new family reunification program, Alphonse will be reunited and live with the same lady who first found and cared for him. They are both so happy to be together once again. We believe that family is not only a matter of blood but also of heart!
VOH Chongwe (Zambia) Update: Sarafina’s Story

Meet Sarafina, who lives in one of our children’s homes at VOH Chongwe. She is five years old and joined our shelter program last year. Before Sarafina came to us, she had lost both of her parents. Her grandmother took her in and started looking after her together with some other relatives. Unfortunately, the living situation was not a safe place for Sarafina, and Social Welfare brought her to us. At VOH, she has found a loving family. She is so happy now! She loves to draw, paint, and play with her friends, and when she grows up, she wants to become a nurse. We are so happy that we can provide Sarafine with a loving, safe home.
You can sponsor a child like Sarafina and make a difference in their life by visiting sponsorship.vohafrica.com
VOH Kitwe (Zambia) Update: Eugene’s Story

Eugene came to VOH Kitwe when he was a small boy and lived in one of our children’s homes. He started school at VOH Kitwe and graduated from our school. He has grown into a responsible young man and is now working in our agriculture program. Eugene’s primary responsibilities include caring for our chickens and cultivating vegetables. He also manages our banana field. We are so proud of Eugene and grateful for how he is giving back to our VOH centre!
VOH Luongo (Zambia) Update: End of Term Tests

Recently at VOH Luongo, the children wrote their end-of-term tests. The teachers have worked hard to prepare the children for the coming year as they move on to different grades and are hopeful that all the children will perform well and get good grades. VOH Luongo has given the children a platform to receive a quality education so they can achieve their dreams, and both the children and their guardians are so grateful! We are so proud of all our students and teachers for their hard work!
VOH Malawi Update: Perimeter Fence

We are so excited about the completion of our perimeter fence here at VOH Malawi! Completing this fence has always been our dream, and we’re so happy with the results. We had many challenges without a fence, including goats wandering in and eating our plants! The fence will offer security and safety for children, staff, and gardens. We can also have a playground now that the area is secure. Everyone is very grateful and excited!
VOH Maramvya (Burundi) Update: End of Year Celebration

At VOH Maramvya, we recently shared our student’s school results with them before they began the school holidays. All the guardians, VOH staff, and children from kindergarten to primary school were present. The ceremony was a time of celebration, and our traditional dance club children put on a fun performance! The guardians who attended were grateful for what VOH is doing for their children and said they no longer worry about the children’s success in the future. They asked us to thank all the VOH donors and sponsors who help this possible for their children!
VOH Mongu (Zambia) Update: Miracle’s Story

Her name is Miracle for a reason! Miracle came to the clinic at VOH Mongu in December 2021. She was sick and very malnourished, only weighing 6.3 kgs at one year old. She was referred to our Save A Life feeding program, where she was admitted into the program right away. Sadly, Miracle’s father is ill and unable to work, so her mother has to provide for their family of five children. Miracle’s mother brought Miracle to our clinic and completed the entire six-month program with her. Miracle gained 2 kgs while on the program, and we assisted her mother in starting a micro business so she can now provide for the family! They are a wonderful family, and we are so grateful that we can support them. We know that God will continue to provide for this incredible family. We are so thankful to have been a part of Miracle’s journey to recovery!
VOH Mwanza (Tanzania) Update: Supporting the Environment

Recently at VOH Mwanza, visitors came to our centre and shared with us various ways we can support the environment. They also brought us some plants! In Tanzania, many campaigns emphasize the environment and the importance of protecting it. At VOH, we teach our children how to appreciate the environment and look after it–for themselves and future generations. We want to let our children and the community know that nature has gifted us with its beauty, and, in turn, we need to nurture and care for it.
VOH Zimbabwe Update: Executive Director Visits

Recently at VOH Zimbabwe, we were privileged to host the VOH Africa Executive Director, Uncle Serge, for a three-day visit. The children had been looking forward to seeing him again and were thrilled to have him around! We made the very most of his time with us. He participated in various activities around our centre and visited our two outreach centres. He also met with our leadership, child safeguarding, and discipleship teams. He also spent plenty of time with the children. We are so happy we could spend this time together; it was a pleasure having him around!