VOH Kitwe Gives Back: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa…


VOH Kitwe Gives Back

Voh kite gives back

VOH Kitwe has been blessed in so many ways and wants to extend blessings to the surrounding community. Recently we received 300 new desks from the government, and so we decided to share our old desks with another Community school in the area. Our friends were grateful because previously the students were sitting on the floor and on broken benches. This gesture of sharing our blessings and helping one another has been a great witness to both communities!


Construction at VOH Kenya

Construction voh kenya

At VOH Kenya, a construction team is busy building a new classroom, staffroom, and administrative office. Plans are that the work will be completed within 5 months, then the children will then be able to move into the new classroom. The new library is also completed and VOH Kenya will be planning for the construction and placement of bookshelves and large tables so the kids will be able to participate in Big Buddy Reading, have a quiet space to study, and time to sit and enjoy a variety of books from Canada and Kenya!


Memorizing Scripture at VOH Malawi

memorizing bible verses

We continue to encourage Teen Corner at VOH Malawi to memorize scripture. Ten of the children memorized James 1:1-15 this month and as a special treat they were taken out for a soft drink at a local shop. They enjoyed the beautiful grounds, the atmosphere, and spending time together!


New Classrooms at VOH Burundi!


classrooms voh burundi
VOH Burundi is busy building small classes that will help us be more effective with the tutoring lessons we provide for all the children. There will be 4 classrooms and we will divide the children according to their age groups and subjects. When completed, the children will be able to study without distractions and still have good interaction with one another. Everyone is excited about this new development and can’t wait for the classes to be ready!


VOH Mongu Welcomes New Teachers

voh mongu teachers

VOH Mongu welcomes Teachers Prudence and Lameck to our school! Both are studying teaching at the University of Zambia and will be completing their teaching practicum at VOH Mongu this term. Prudence will assist in the Preschool class and Lameck will assist in Kindergarten. We are very happy to have them join our team!


Photos of the Week:


voh mongu students back to school

The students at VOH Mongu were excited to return for their second term after a month long holiday. Some wore new gifts they received from their sponsors. Everyone was happy to be back together for another school term!


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