Canadian Ambassador Visits VOH Zimbabwe: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa!


Canadian Ambassador Visits VOH Zimbabwe 

Thursday 1 - Zimbabwe

VOH Zimbabwe received a visit this week from our Canadian Ambassador, Ms. Lisa Stadelbauer, who came and officially opened our computer lab. The Parry Sound Pentecostal Church funded construction of the classroom and the lab was equipped with 30 computers, printer/photocopier, server, etc. with a grant through our Canadian Embassy in Zimbabwe.

We are thankful to Parry Sound and to the Canadian Government for making the computer lab possible!


Successful Gardening at VOH Chongwe & Kitwe!

Monday 1 - voh chongwe garden

The moms and children at VOH Chongwe are very proud of the gardens they planted and care for. The gardens are doing so well that they grow enough vegetables for themselves and still have leftovers to sell. Senior Mother, Agnes, uses the money from the sale of the extra vegetables to purchase exercise books for the children to use at school and there is still enough money left over for the moms to buy cookies for the children as a special treat!

Wednesday 1 - Kitwe

The grade 12 youth living at VOH Kitwe are excited to be planting their garden as rainy season begins. In fact, they are so enthusiastic about it that everyone woke up before 6 a.m. so they could work on cultivating before school! This section of the garden is for eggplant and cabbage -some of the local favorites.


Burundi Housemom Celebrates 18 Months

Monday 2 - burundi news

This week Donavine celebrated her one and a half year anniversary serving as house mother at VOH Burundi. She shared with Delson, the Village Director, when he stopped by to congratulate her, that she is really enjoying being with the children. She says she truly believes children are a gift from heaven and she is very happy to be a part of the lives of the children in her home.
Congratulations on your 18 month anniversary, Donavine, and thank you for being such a blessing to the children!


VOH Kenya Children Prepare for Christmas

Tuesday 1 - Kenya

At VOH Kenya the children gathered together at the homes for words of encouragement, prayer, and some wise advice before some take time during Christmas break to visit with relatives. It is good for the children to keep a connection to any living relatives and we are happy to help facilitate this. Speaking to the children were the Village Director, Child Welfare Officer, Nurse, and Head Teacher.

We are thankful to have so many people who love the VOH Kenya family and have a heart to see the children grow up healthy, happy and safe!


VOH Malawi Community Sports

Tuesday 2 - Malawi

VOH Malawi recently went to a neighbouring community (Kauma) to play soccer and netball with the local teams. We had a fun time together hanging out and each cheering for their teams. It is great when we are able to give the VOH children opportunities to interact with children from the surrounding communities.This picture shows some of the VOH girls with the new friends that they made that day. We are looking forward to a rematch on our own turf soon!


Ester’s Academic Success!

Wednesday 2 - Mwanza

Ester, who lives in one of the children’s homes at VOH Mwanza proudly shows off her grade 6 English exam results 45/50 topping her class! School for Ester finishes this week and she will enjoy a few weeks off before starting grade 7 in January. On the Christmas break, Ester plans to “play lots of soccer and help out around home.”


Meet Mubita

VOH Mongu mubita music
Mubita is the VOH Mongu administrative assistant and is a big help to Village Director, Matt Mackie. Mubita is also very involved in Hope church where the VOH children attend. He recently wrote a song based on Isaiah 9, “Unto Us a Child is Born” and is playing it for the Grade 2 class who will be singing it at this year’s Christmas play.


Photo of the Week:

We are all about Bringing Hope to children in need, which is what our #BringingHope photo project is all about! Hope so they can become accountants!

We can be accountants



This week’s blog: Youth Training at VOH Kitwe

All of the Villages of Hope locations are blessed from time to time by couples and individuals who are willing to sacrifice their time and resources to come and serve. Evan & Amber Moffatt just completed ten months at VOH Kitwe where they worked with the Youth Empowerment Program establishing many new training and entrepreneurial programs to help our students both now and in the future.

Amber and Evan also organized the first annual VOH Kitwe Trade Fair, where 5 different small business options were demonstrated and the youth have since been trained in the areas that interested themRead Here



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