New Classrooms at VOH Kenya: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa!


New Classrooms at VOH Kenya!

VOH Kenya - new classroom buildingVOH-Kenya children wait around the new classroom being built at Hope Academy. This is the second new classroom built over the summer and the kids cannot wait to move in! Windows and doors already finished – the wait is almost over!


VOH Mwanza Boys Play in Soccer Match

VOH Mwanza - soccer match

Some VOH Mwanza teenage boys along with some friends from the community were invited to play a soccer match against the local international school’s team. Unfortunately we lost, but everyone was all smiles! There is always next time!


Worship at VOH Burundi

VOH Burundi - children worship

Beni-Salvator, the youngest VOH Burundi child, is leading other children in worship. They are practicing “Jesus Loves Me”, which they learned from a recent Canadian team.


Meet Mando from VOH Kitwe

VOH Kitwe - youth leadership

Mando moved into a children’s home at VOH Kitwe when he was 7 years old. Now, 11 years later, he is 18 and a real blessing to have around the Village. Mando loves to work with his hands and is always willing to help out wherever he can. Most recently, Mando has learned how to repair shoes and this, along with other skills, including welding, that he has acquired over the time that he has lived at VOH will allow him to be independent and support himself in the years ahead.


New Sign for VOH Malawi!

VOH Malawi - new sign

Mphatso lives in one of the children’s homes at VOH Malawi. She and her house mom, Beatrice were very happy that Mphatso’s Uncle graciously donated his skills and painted a new sign for us. It was his way of showing appreciation for all that VOH has done for his niece and we’re all very excited to put up our new sign


Teaching Mothers at Save A Life Center

VOH Mongu - Save a Life Center training

This week at the VOH Mongu Save a Life program Jaycee taught the mothers about finance and budgeting, to help them earn enough money to feed their children once they leave the program. We got great feedback and even our field workers said they learned something!


And in cased you missed it…

Our New Photo Project!

hope so - we can be welders

We are inviting you to share in our celebration – the celebration of hope – as we launch our new photo project.

We chose the hashtag #BringingHope for obvious reasons. And you can search this hashtag on all of your favourite social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. This is an ongoing project, so we will be posting new photos regularly.

You can also visit our Bringing Hope Gallery hosted here on our site.

Please do feel free to share these images when you see them! Use the hashtag #BringingHope if you’d like, and help us spread the word about Villages of Hope-Africa, and join in celebration of hope restored in these children’s lives. Click here to find out more.


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