VOH Mwanza Graduates Transitioning Well: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa!


VOH Mwanza Graduates Transitioning Well

VOH Mwanza - back to school

It’s back to school time for VOH-Mwanza graduate, Paul – only this time he is not going back as a student, he is going back as a member of the staff! After Paul graduated from secondary school, thanks to his good reputation, the school offered him a job as a teacher’s assistant at the pre-school. Paul took the offer and plans to save the money that he earns so he can attend technical college.

His long term goal is to get a job at one of the local mines. Congratulations Paul, we are proud for you!

VOH Mwanza - esther and winnie

Esther (right) and Winnie (left) – a couple of the VOH-Mwanza transitioned youth – are going home from work. Esther and Winnie both live on their own, budgeting and taking care of themselves. They work at VOH-Mwanza; Esther helps as a cleaner and teacher’s aid at the primary school, and Winnie works as a cleaner and gardener.


VOH Kenya Welcomes James to the Family

VOH Kenya - welcome james
VOH-Kenya would like to welcome James into the VOH family. James moved into one of the homes last week and had a good time getting to know some of his House sisters and brothers!


New Toilets for the VOH Mongu School

VOH Mongu - school toilets
This week our builders started building new toilets for our VOH-Mongu school. We are all very excited!

VOH Kitwe Youth Go on a Field Trip

VOH Kitwe - timber plantation

Recently a group of youth from VOH-Kitwe went on a tour of a nearby forestry company. They were amazed to see both the small trees in the nursery and the very large trees that were also growing and being used to produce various lumber products.

It was a real eye-opening experience for them as the staff explained the process of using the large trees to make lumber for building and planting new trees to replace the old ones. This is one of many trips that the youth are being taken on to expose them to different career options nearby!


VOH Burundi Staff Preparing for New School Year

VOH Burundi - directors meetings
The VOH-Burundi Director along with the Staff are busy with preparations of this coming school year. They are evaluating the last school year and discussing strategies that will allow the children improve in the upcoming year.


New Swings at VOH Chongwe!

VOH Chongwe - swings
The children at VOH-Chongwe celebrate the swings that have been added to their playground – they can’t wait to have their turns!


This Week’s Blog

Blog - for the least of these

“For the Least of These…” by Executive Director, Sergio Bersaglio

As the church, we are able not only to meet their physical needs, but to also provide them with much needed love and acceptance in the name of Jesus. And when the children are taught who Jesus is, what He has done for them, and His plan for their life, they are able to see they are part of a bigger story and there is a plan for their lives not only in the present, but in the future, as well…read more


And announcing…

Our New Photo Project!

hope so - we can be welders

We are inviting you to share in our celebration – the celebration of hope – as we launch our new photo project.

We chose the hashtag #BringingHope for obvious reasons. And you can search this hashtag on all of your favourite social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. This is an ongoing project, so we will be posting new photos regularly.

You can also visit our Bringing Hope Gallery hosted here on our site.

Please do feel free to share these images when you see them! Use the hashtag #BringingHope if you’d like, and help us spread the word about Villages of Hope-Africa, and join in celebration of hope restored in these children’s lives. Click here to find out more.


Join us on Instagram!

We’re on Instagram! Follow us: www.instagram.com/voh_africa (you need an Instagram account to follow). And if you are sharing photos of your trip to a Village of Hope, tag us! @voh_africa #VOHAfrica and #BringingHope – we look forward to ‘gramming’ with you!



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