This Week: Combatting Malnutrition

This week at VOH Africa, we learned the alphabet, completed preschool enrollment, and held trauma training.

Back to School Hope Packs!

It’s back-to-school season for VOH students! Depending on the country, for some, the new school year begins in September and for others in January, and we want all our students to be well-equipped.

Our Back to School Hope Packs ensure every VOH child has their own school supplies for the year ahead!

Back to School Hope Packs contain:

  •     Exercise books
  •     Pencil cases
  •     Pens and pencils
  •     Erasers
  •     Rulers

Give a Back to School Hope Pack for just $20!

VOH Bulale: School Baraza

This week at VOH Bulale, we held our third term “School Baraza,” a tradition where students and teachers come together before the end of the term.

This highly anticipated event allows staff to acknowledge students who have excelled in various areas, such as academics, behaviour, and attendance. These exceptional students are awarded in front of their peers, which motivates others to strive for excellence in the future.

Students also have the chance to offer their suggestions and advice on ways to improve the school for a better future. Many of their ideas have been incredibly useful and successfully implemented.

The event is also an opportunity for students to praise their peers and teachers for their remarkable work!

VOH Bwiza: Zion Christian Peace Volunteers

This week at VOH Bwiza, we were blessed to receive visitors from the Zion Christian Peace Volunteer Group Burundi, who came to see our children and bless them with gifts and activities.

This is the second time the group has come to see us. They met with our high school students and engaged them in a variety of fun activities, including jump rope, letter writing, drawing and singing.

We are thankful for their visit and the time they spent with the children!

VOH Kitwe: Preparing for Kindergarten

This week, our VOH Kitwe preschool students completed their preliminary skills lessons. During these lessons, the young students learned by engaging with the environment, observing, watching and responding.

The children enjoyed the activities, which included role play, singing and free play.

Now, they are excited to be learning the letters of the alphabet and how to form short words with them. The children’s caregivers are happy to know their children are now able to recognize sounds and can write the first letter of their names.

The students are reading to move up to kindergarten!

VOH Luongo: Preventing Malnutrition

At VOH Luongo, one of our goals is to ensure we provide health services to the children, addressing common illnesses and malnourishment.

To achieve this, we have a feeding program which is carried on right at the centre. We ensure that each child receives a cup of porridge every day before they go for lessons.

Because of the high poverty levels in the Luongo Community and high unemployment rates, for most of the children, this porridge is their only meal in the day.

Testimonies from the children and the parents are that when they eat the porridge consistently, the frequency of getting sick is reduced. The porridge they eat is a High Energy Protein Supplement (HEPS), which is very nutritious and healthy.

The children and the community at large are so grateful for the feeding program because even when times are difficult, they know their children will have their nutritional needs met.

VOH Malawi: Enrollment Update

The final selection of new children to enroll at VOH Malawi is complete! We are grateful to have reached this crucial point in the intake process. It is a meticulous and demanding task that requires thorough diligence.

After the children submitted their applications, our team went into the community to assess households that qualify for the program. From these assessments, we then selected the most vulnerable children to receive support from our centre.

Once the assessments were complete, the Kauma Project Organizing Committee (KPOC), consisting of respected elders and leaders from the community, joined us to finalize the list of children based on the available spaces. Their deep knowledge of local families is invaluable in making these critical decisions. We truly believe that God is guiding us through this process, as we could not achieve this on our own.

What stands out this year is the growing understanding and cooperation within the community. Some families being assessed even directed our team to others who they felt were more vulnerable and deserving of the opportunity.

We remain deeply grateful to Jesus for His guidance as we continue to “bring hope to children in need” and make a lasting difference in their lives.

VOH Mongu: Gifts for Housemothers

During the school holidays, a special day of bonding unfolded as the children in our VOH Mongu children’s homes spent their time creating heartfelt gifts for their housemothers.

The young ones gathered to make unique, personalized shirts for the women who have cared for them. This creative activity not only provided an outlet for the children’s artistic skills but also served as a beautiful gesture of appreciation for their housemothers.

The children proudly presented the shirts to their housemothers, eagerly watching their reactions. The mothers were deeply moved by the thoughtful gifts, cherishing the care and time that had gone into making them. Some were even brought to tears, overwhelmed by the love and gratitude shown by the children.

This simple yet profound activity strengthened the bond between the children and their housemothers!

VOH Mwanza: Caregiver Training

This week at VOH Mwanza, we held a comprehensive training for the children’s caregivers. The training aimed to equip caregivers with both practical and spiritual guidance, ensuring they are well-prepared to nurture the children under their care.

The training covered important topics, such as the biblical principles of caregiving, essential duties, contributing to the community, child protection, and overcoming challenges with patience and understanding.

The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment where caregivers had the chance to share their thoughts, ask questions and deepen their understanding of the topics discussed.

VOH Zimbabwe: Trauma Training Program

At VOH Zimbabwe, a transformative three-day trauma training program was conducted for 71 caregivers dedicated to the well-being of vulnerable children facilitated by the Zimbabwe Without Orphans team.

In attendance were housemothers, teachers, nurses, pastors, and other staff members. The training focused on teaching the essential knowledge and skills required to support children who have experienced profound trauma.

Facilitators guided caregivers through the definitions of trauma, types of trauma, and the psychological impacts. Caregivers learned how trauma may cause behavioural responses, anxiety, and emotional withdrawal.

Focus was given to the importance of awareness and empathy so caregivers can identify signs of trauma and respond in a supportive and informed way.

The training also involved practical strategies for providing trauma-informed care. Caregivers participated in interactive workshops, where they practiced creating safe and nurturing environments conducive to healing. They engaged in role-playing exercises and explored various interventions and activities designed to foster resilience and emotional expression in children.

By the end of the training, the caregivers felt empowered and capable of translating their newfound knowledge into actionable practices. Empowered by the skills and connections developed throughout the training, they returned to their workstations ready to create nurturing environments, promoting healing and resilience in the children they care for, ultimately guiding them toward a brighter future.

Upon completion, everyone who attended was issued a certificate, which they accepted with pride and gratitude.

We thank the Zimbabwe Without Orphans team for facilitating such essential and informative training!

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