This Week: Excited for the School Term

This week at VOH Africa, our staff underwent special training and our students were excited to start the new school term!

Back to School Hope Packs!

It’s back-to-school season for VOH students! Depending on the country, for some, the new school year begins in September and for others in January, and we want all our students to be well-equipped.

Our Back to School Hope Packs ensure every VOH child has their own school supplies for the year ahead!

Back to School Hope Packs contain:

  •     Exercise books
  •     Pencil cases
  •     Pens and pencils
  •     Erasers
  •     Rulers

Give a Back to School Hope Pack for just $20!

VOH Bulale: Special Sessions

This week at VOH Bulale, we hosted a special session for the children. In this session, boys met with our male staff, and girls met with female staff. Dividing into these groups created a safe and supportive environment for open and meaningful discussions.

We covered essential topics such as maintaining their health, keeping a tidy environment, fostering discipline, and striving for academic excellence.

The children were encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences, particularly those related to the significant changes they face as they transition from childhood to adulthood. This open dialogue allowed them to express their thoughts and concerns, helping them navigate this crucial stage of life with confidence.

These talks are more than just discussions; they are part of our broader responsibility to guide and nurture our children. We hold these sessions every quarter, ensuring that we continually invest in their development, both morally and academically.

VOH Chongwe: Climate-Smart Crop Production

Recently, our VOH Chongwe leadership team checked in on the cabbage production taking place in our two greenhouses.

Given the drought Zambia experienced this past farming season, there has been a significant reduction in water availability. Fortunately, we were able to utilize drip irrigation, a climate-smart technology which requires very little water to irrigate the crops.

The leadership team is pleased to see the cabbage doing well and expects a good harvest in about three months.

We are very grateful to our donors who, in years past, funded the installation of the greenhouses!

VOH Kitwe: Blessings’ Story

We love seeing the children living at our VOH Kitwe centre excelling in their educational journey, and this week, we are excited to share the outstanding achievement of Blessings, who lives in one of the children’s homes at our centre.

Blessings joined the VOH Kitwe family when she was a young girl. Blessings has excellent grades, and the report from her teachers is always encouraging. She is currently in grade 10 and recently wrote exams, coming first in her grade. When she graduates, she wants to become a doctor.

Blessings is grateful that she was taken in at VOH Kitwe and is now able to get the education she needs so that her dream will be a reality someday. We are confident she will succeed!

VOH Luongo: New School Term

School break is over, and the students are back. During the break, the teachers worked hard to plan and prepare for the term ahead.

There are a lot of exciting educational activities lined up for our VOH Luongo school, such as school trips, debates, sports as well as graduation for the grade 7s.

This week, upon reporting back to school, the children were ready to learn. The grade 7s are particularly busy as they are preparing for exams. Their teacher is taking plenty of time to go over core concepts in all subjects, allowing the children to ask questions and get clarity where needed.

We are so thankful for the dedication of both our teachers and students!

VOH Malawi: Computer Training for Staff

We are thrilled to share that VOH Malawi has initiated computer training for our staff. As our organization continues to grow, we recognize the importance of equipping our team with the skills necessary to support our mission.

This week, we began the training sessions, primarily focusing on our teachers who directly interact with the children. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the opportunity. They are excited about the new skills they are acquiring, particularly in creating tests and other educational materials.

We believe that as our staff members grow professionally, so does our organization. This training has not only enhanced their technical abilities but has also motivated them to continue striving for excellence in their roles.

We are excited about the positive impact this will have on both our staff and the children they mentor!

VOH Maramvya: Visitor Training Sessions

This last week at VOH Maramvya, a group of visitors from Canada made a significant impact through their visit by conducting staff training sessions, enriching the skills and knowledge of our team.

The visitors generously shared their expertise and experience to empower our staff members so they can better serve the VOH community.

In addition to the training, the visitors also brought joy and smiles to the children by presenting them with thoughtful gifts. These gifts brought happiness to the children and created memorable moments that will be cherished.

VOH Mwanza: Spiritual Development

At VOH Mwanza, we go beyond providing our children with nutritious meals and ensuring their health is well taken care of. We also place a strong emphasis on their spiritual growth and discipleship.

Many children in our community may not have the chance to attend church regularly when they are at home. However, here at VOH, they are given the opportunity to connect with God and grow in their faith. Every Wednesday, our children gather at the chapel for a time of worship and learning.

During these gatherings, the children come together to sing a variety of songs, filling the chapel with joy and praise. They also hear the word of God, which plays a crucial role in shaping their character and guiding them toward positive behaviour.

What’s truly inspiring is seeing how some of our children have grown in confidence through these sessions. Some have even taken on the role of preaching to their peers, sharing the messages they’ve learned and encouraging others in their spiritual journeys. This experience not only builds their self-confidence but also strengthens their sense of community and belonging.

VOH Zimbabwe: School Prayer Session

As the new school term approached, Hope Community Church held a special prayer session for the children. This tradition is important to our community as it emphasizes the significance of prayer, not only for our children’s academic success but also for their emotional well-being and spiritual growth.

The transition back to school can be both exciting and daunting for children and their families. For some, the term marks the start of intense exam preparation, which can bring a mix of anticipation and anxiety. It’s essential for us as a community to support our children through prayer during this time.

The session also included members of the church leadership sharing words of encouragement for the children.

Our children encounter various daily stresses, from academic pressure to social dynamics and mental health struggles. Through prayer, we seek divine assistance in guiding them through these challenges, granting them strength and wisdom as they grow.

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