This Week: Visiting the Zoo

This week at VOH Africa, we prepared for exams, took part in sports competitions, and went to the zoo!

VOH Bulale: Trip to the Zoo!

This week, our top students from VOH Bulale who scored A’s in their exams, enjoyed an unforgettable study tour at the Wag Hill Zoo and Resort in Mwanza.

Our brilliant students had the unique chance to see a variety of animals up close. They marvelled at giraffes, lions, gazelles, and antelopes. They were also fascinated by the sight of horses, camels, and zebras roaming the grounds, getting a close look at these creatures and their unique features.

The zoo also had an impressive collection of birds, including ostriches, peacocks, turkeys, and the stunning golden pheasant. Our students were excited to learn about the unique traits and behaviours of these beautiful birds, gaining a deeper appreciation for their beauty and the importance of conservation.

Adding to the excitement, the students enjoyed horse and camel rides around the zoo. This adventure not only gave them a closer look at the zoo’s surroundings but also provided a fun way to learn about the habits, diets, and lifestyles of these animals. The joy and excitement were evident as our pupils experienced these rides, making lasting memories.

The study tour at Wag Hill Zoo and Resort was the perfect reward for our top-performing pupils. Seeing a variety of animals and birds, combined with the fun rides, made this trip both educational and entertaining. It was a celebration of their hard work and a reminder of the wonders of nature that we must cherish and protect.

VOH Bwiza: Exam Prep

Our VOH Bwiza students recently wrote their exams. The children spent plenty of time preparing. Exams happened every other day, with the day between being used for studying and prep.

Part of their prep included quizzing their classmates, which is a great way to test their knowledge and understanding of the various subjects. Their teachers were also available to assist them with studying and answer any questions they had.

We are confident they did well thanks to their hard work!

VOH Chongwe: Lameck’s Story

Lameck came to VOH Chongwe when he was only eight years old and enrolled in Grade 2. He is now in Grade 12 and has grown into a young man who will graduate from high school at the end of this year.

Now, Lameck is one of the student leaders at our school. He ensures that all students follow the school rules and fulfill their responsibilities, such as keeping classrooms clean and tidy.

In his spare time, Lameck enjoys gardening and even makes his own compost!

When asked what he enjoys most about being at VOH, Lameck was quick to respond that he is grateful to be part of such a loving and caring family.

VOH Chongwe is grateful for Lameck, too, and we wish him all the best as he completes his final year.

VOH Kitwe: Substance Use Education

This week at VOH Kitwe, we were delighted to welcome representatives from the Drug Enforcement Commission to educate our students about the harmful effects of various substances. Both upper primary and high school students participated in these informative sessions.

The Drug Enforcement officer emphasized the seriousness of the issue and the potential consequences of substance abuse. Our students had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had.

When the presentation was complete, the students and staff expressed their gratitude for the valuable knowledge the presenters shared.

Our students have committed to sharing this vital information with their peers and to not giving in to peer pressure should it arise. We are so proud of them!

VOH Luongo: Meet Catherine and Esther

At VOH Luongo, we are blessed to have a number of twins attending our school. During enrollment, we often find at least one set of twins is applying and we love welcoming them to our VOH family.

During our recent enrolment, there was a set of twin girls, Catherine and Esther. They are eight years old and live with their grandmother. The girls have never been enrolled in any school before.

When their grandmother heard that VOH Luongo was enrolling, she asked if they could be given a place, and we were thrilled to fulfill her request.

The twins are in grade 2, and despite it being their first time in school, they are doing well and are fast learners.

The girls said they used to admire their friends who were already in school and hoped one day that would be them. Now, they are thrilled to have that same opportunity.

Their grandmother is also very grateful, not only for having the girls in school but also for having them benefit from our feeding program.

Welcome, Catherine and Esther! We are so happy to have you!

Sponsor Esther and Catherine!

Both Esther and Catherine are in need of sponsors. Become their sponsor, and you can have a lasting impact on their lives! Sign up at the links below:

VOH Malawi: Mercy’s Story

Mercy is one of VOH Malawi’s graduates who recently started college. We decided to visit her recently to see how she is adjusting to the new environment.

We were delighted to see that she has integrated well and made good friends. Mercy is very smart in school, and we know she will do well. Many staff at our office have mentored her, and we are glad she decided to study Public Health.

Mercy is an excellent example and role model for the many young girls at our school. We pray that God continues to help her in her studies until she finishes.

VOH Maramvya: New Swingset!

At VOH Maramvya, the children are thrilled to see a swingset being prepared for them. Soon, they will experience the joy of swinging with their friends at the playground.

Swings provide not just entertainment but also physical and emotional benefits. Swinging helps develop coordination, balance, and spatial awareness while also promoting sensory integration. It is a simple yet effective way for children to engage in outdoor play and improve their overall well-being.

Some of the best welders in the area, along with Philemon, our maintenance officer, are installing the swings. As they near completion, the children’s excitement is building.

These swings will add an extra element of fun and excitement to the children’s daily routine!

VOH Mongu: Inter-School Athletics

Recently, our VOH Mongu students showcased their athletic talents at an inter-school competition. Our students competed fiercely in a variety of activities, including soccer, netball, and basketball.

The soccer team demonstrated exceptional skill and teamwork on the field, leaving a lasting impression with their strategic plays and determination. The netball team, known for their agility and precision, put forth a strong performance. Meanwhile, our basketball players displayed remarkable athleticism and coordination, thrilling spectators with their dynamic plays and competitive spirit.

Both our boys’ and girls’ soccer teams made it to the quarter-finals, and we couldn’t be more proud of their hard work and dedication!

Overall, the weekend was a resounding success, filled with memorable moments and personal achievements. We are incredibly proud of our students’ efforts and the way they carried the spirit of VOH throughout the competition.

VOH Mwanza: Celebrating the Day of the African Child

June 16 was the International Day of the African Child. VOH Mwanza was abuzz with excitement as we marked the day in a truly special way. We hosted 40 students from St. Augustine University who brought not only supplies but also energy and compassion to our community.

The day was filled with activities aimed at enriching and empowering our children:

Singing and Dancing: The festivities began with lively performances that brought together children and volunteers alike, highlighting the vibrant spirit of our community.

Interactive Sessions: St. Augustine University students engaged with our children, sharing valuable advice and inspiring stories of hope and resilience, leaving a lasting impact on everyone present.

Refreshments: Delicious bites and refreshing drinks were enjoyed by all, ensuring that both hearts and bellies were full throughout the day.

Donations: Beyond the celebrations, the students generously donated essential items such as water, juice, soap, and exercise books. These contributions will significantly support the education and well-being of our children, fostering a brighter future for them.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to St. Augustine university and all volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to make this day unforgettable. Your kindness has touched the lives of our children deeply, reinforcing a sense of community and care that will resonate for years to come.

VOH Zimbabwe: The Power of Sports

At VOH Zimbabwe, our belief in the transformative power of sports is unwavering. We view sports not just as a physical activity but as a gateway to a world of boundless opportunity and personal growth.

Through sports, we see more than just physical health and athletic prowess; we witness the blossoming of young minds and spirits. Through sweat and determination on the field, our students discover the strength within themselves to push past limits, strive for excellence, and embrace the values of teamwork and sportsmanship.

As we integrate sports into our school curriculum, we do so with a sense of purpose and passion, knowing that each game played, each challenge overcome, and each victory celebrated contributes to a tapestry of experiences that shape our students into resilient, confident, and empowered individuals.

Participating in sports teaches them that every setback is an opportunity for growth, every victory a testament to hard work and dedication!

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