This Week: Celebrating Students’ Achievements

This week at VOH Africa, we held Vacation Bible School and celebrated our students’ achievements.

VOH Bulale: Vacation Bible School

Last week, VOH Bulale hosted an inspiring five-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) program titled “Connecting with God.” This program, designed for children aged 4 to 12, provided an enriching environment for young minds to deepen their faith and strengthen their relationship with God.

The week was thoughtfully structured around daily themes that focused on key aspects of spiritual connection: faith, love, trust, others, and life.

Each day brought new lessons and activities rooted in the Bible verse Romans 10:17: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” This verse was central to the program, emphasizing the importance of developing one’s faith through listening to God’s word.

Staff carefully planned each day’s activities to ensure the children were having fun while learning. Activities included games, music, crafts, and lessons.

It was a fun week for all!

VOH Bwiza: Maintenance Work

This week at VOH Bwiza, we are busy with maintenance work. The children consider our centre their second home, so we do our best to keep it safe.

We previously painted the office and classrooms, installed a new water tank, and built a new kitchen. This week, we are busy making new tables and benches for the dining hall.

We are also creating a computer room and renovating existing classrooms by strengthening walls and adding artwork.

We hope the children feel even more at home when we’re done!

VOH Chongwe: Welcoming Two Brothers

VOH Chongwe recently welcomed two brothers in need of care who were brought to the centre by the Social Welfare Department with the help of the police Victim Support Unit.

The two boys needed urgent attention due to the circumstances of serious vulnerability, which left them in dire need of food, accommodation, clothing and general care by adult guardians.

They are both settling and benefiting from our various programs, including our school and feeding program. We love seeing them beaming with joy as they play with their new friends and become a part of our VOH family!

We are glad that we continue to show care, love, and support to the children in need, and we are so grateful to the donors who continue to make this possible.

VOH Kitwe: New School Shoes

At VOH Kitwe, we value our partnerships with various government ministries. This week, we were privileged to receive new school shoes for some of our most vulnerable high school students.

Our child safeguarding officer identified those who were most in need, which was difficult because most of them did not have decent shoes to wear to school. Those chosen were incredibly grateful.

We thank the Ministry of Education for their generosity and ongoing support!

VOH Luongo: Addressing Malnutrition

Most people in the Luongo community are not employed, and this is causing many children to suffer from malnutrition due to food insecurity. This crisis is why we are so grateful to offer a feeding program right at our VOH Luongo centre.

As the children come to school on an empty stomach, they receive a cup of HEPS porridge, which is filled with nutrition and approved by the World Health Organisation. The children eat the HEPS right before class, so they don’t have to learn on an empty stomach.

The children always look forward to eating their porridge daily, knowing it will help keep them healthy and strong!

VOH Malawi: Gift Graduates

This week at VOH Malawi, we are overjoyed to celebrate Gift’s graduation. Gift joined VOH Malawi when he was very young, and his school performance has been outstanding.

After graduating from high school, Gift joined VOH Malawi as an intern to raise funds for his further education. The internship program, which lasts for a year, allows students who have completed high school to assist in various departments. Gift worked as an assistant teacher in the education department. After his one-year term, he had the opportunity to extend his internship, which enabled him to raise the necessary funds for university.

Gift began his university education by attending weekend classes while continuing to work with us. When his internship ended, he transitioned to attending university day classes. Today, we are thrilled to announce that he has completed his diploma in primary education, thereby qualifying him as a fully trained teacher ready for employment.

Gift remains a role model for other VOH kids, demonstrating perseverance and dedication. We are so proud of his achievements and pray for more opportunities for our children!

We extend heartfelt thanks to our donors and sponsors, whose support makes these success stories possible.

Become a VOH sponsor today and enable another child to have the same hopeful future Gift has! Visit to learn more.

VOH Maramvya: Health Training Sessions

This week, VOH Maramvya hosted a vibrant and educational children’s event that showcased a fantastic initiative to empower young minds.

The event commenced with the children being organized into distinct groups to undergo various training sessions focusing on topics such as hygiene, malaria prevention, and dental health.

Following each instructive session, the children enjoyed engaging in different games, enhancing their learning experience with fun and interactive activities.

The event reached its climax with an exciting football match that pitted the enthusiastic children of 5th grade against their counterparts from 6th grade. The game not only promoted teamwork and sportsmanship but also fostered a sense of camaraderie among the participants.

The day wrapped up with a delicious lunch, providing a delightful conclusion to a day filled with knowledge-sharing, interactive sessions, and friendly competition!

VOH Mongu: Award Ceremony

With the second term now in full swing at VOH Mongu, we recently took the time to celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our students from the first term.

We held a special ceremony to award students with certificates of achievement. Peers, teachers, and caregivers attended the celebration to honour the students’ remarkable efforts and success.

The event was filled with smiles and applause as each student took to the stage to receive their certificate.

It is crucial to acknowledge and celebrate these achievements. Doing so not only recognizes the hard work of our students but also serves as a powerful reminder of their potential and capabilities.

These moments of recognition are essential in building a positive and encouraging learning environment where every child feels valued and motivated to do their best.

VOH Mwanza: Communication Workshop

This week, VOH Mwanza hosted a workshop for our caregiver-mothers, focusing on enhancing communication skills through the use of “Word Picture” techniques. This training session aimed to equip caregivers with communication therapy skills to support children’s behavioural development.

Using Word Pictures as a means of communication therapy involves creating vivid, relatable images through words to convey messages and emotions more effectively. This approach can be particularly beneficial for children, helping them understand complex concepts and emotions in a more tangible and relatable way.

The training was designed with clear objectives, which included:

  • Encouraging self-expression and assertiveness through positive communication.
  • Teaching children to listen actively and attentively to others.
  • Helping children understand and share the feelings of others.
  • Reinforcing the value and importance of each child’s unique voice and experiences.

The workshop was well-received by all participants, who expressed their appreciation for the skills they acquired. Many caregivers shared that they had previously struggled with effective communication techniques. They were thrilled to learn new methods that promised to bring emotional healing and improve interactions with their children.

We look forward to continuing to support the children’s caregivers with ongoing training and resources such as this.

VOH Zimbabwe: Gifts from Sponsors

At VOH Zimbabwe, we are grateful for all of our children’s sponsors, many of whom send gifts for birthdays and Christmas. Because shipping across the world is challenging, sponsors send gift money, and then VOH staff go shopping for unique items for each child based on their interests and needs.

Imagine the pure joy and excitement on a child’s face as they receive a gift from their sponsor! It’s an incredibly impactful moment that resonates deeply with the child, evoking immense joy, gratitude, and a sense of being genuinely cared for.

This experience is not just about receiving a material gift; it’s about creating cherished memories that shape a child’s understanding of love and support.

A big thank you to all of our sponsors for their ongoing love and generosity!

If you sponsor a VOH child and would like to send them a gift, click here.

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