This Week: Expressing Ourselves through Art

This week we installed a solar-powered borehole and expressed ourselves through art!

VOH Bulale: End-of-Term Celebration

Last week at VOH Bulale, we gathered with our students a few days before the end of the term to celebrate their achievements. It’s a day that embodies the spirit of appreciation and encouragement.

The event allows teachers to recognize and appreciate the students’ efforts in various areas, including academics, discipline and attendance. Those who excelled in these areas are honoured and rewarded in front of their peers, serving as a powerful motivation for others to strive for excellence.

The students eagerly await this event each term because it acknowledges their hard work and allows them to praise their fellow students and teachers for their achievements and contributions.

In addition, the students can use this time to ask teachers and school leadership questions, seek clarification, and engage in open dialogue, sharing advice and offering suggestions for improvement.

Many of these shared ideas have proven helpful and have been implemented, showcasing the importance of student voices in shaping our school’s success.

Congratulations to all of our hardworking students!

VOH Bwiza: Special Event for Grades 4-6

Recently, VOH Bwiza held a special event for our grades 4-6 students.

The children were joyful as they spent time at the playground, played various games, and enjoyed time together.

Our staff also taught the children valuable lessons, reminding them to study hard, stay safe, and live harmoniously with others.

The event was a success!

VOH Chongwe: Meet Our Fish Project Team

VOH Chongwe is excited to showcase the dedicated team responsible for our fish project.

The fish project started in 2023 and has continued to show great success. It is slowly becoming a part of our centre’s sustainability plans.

Like any project or undertaking, there are always people who go out of their way to ensure the desired results. Charles, Joseph, and Stephen are a great team. They work together to monitor the water quality, temperature, and pH and ensure that the fish are fed in the right quantities and on time.

It was another time of celebration as we witnessed the three-person team’s successful harvest! Dressed in their waders, they entered the pond to drag the net and catch fish.

We are thankful to this hardworking team and the donors who funded this project!

VOH Kitwe: Art Room

VOH Kitwe is privileged to have an art room at our centre. This art room allows students to express their ideas and emotions through drawing and painting.

Since opening this creative space, we have witnessed children develop increased self-esteem and confidence.

The teachers keep a timetable so time in the art room is split among all grades. This week, the pre-schoolers had their turn and were excited to draw anything they wanted with help from their teachers.

Many schools in our area lack a dedicated space where children can express themselves through art. We are grateful to our donors, who made this room possible!

VOH Luongo: Assessment Week

This week, all schools in the district are writing assessments prepared by the District Education Officers. These assessments evaluate the performances of the students and the schools at large. They are prepared and given to the students to assess reading and numeracy levels.

Our VOH Luongo school is happy to participate because our staff can use the data to understand our students’ progress and identify areas that may require more attention.

Literacy is essential because it serves as the backbone of all other subjects. We are grateful to our donors who allow us to retain the learning materials needed to help our students succeed.

VOH Maramvya: Applying for a Secondary School

Last week, a team of officials visited VOH Maramvya to conduct an assessment with the aim of granting permission to establish a secondary school at our centre.

The delegation, comprised of education experts and government representatives, was tasked with assessing the feasibility and necessity of introducing a secondary education facility within the community.

During their visit, the visitors aimed to gather insights and perspectives on the community’s educational needs. They toured the existing infrastructure, reviewed educational materials, and assessed the potential impact of this expansion.

The visitors expressed their appreciation for the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by the community towards advancing education despite the challenges they face. They commended teachers’ dedication and students’ eagerness to continue their learning journey beyond primary school.

Following their assessment, the delegation conveyed their positive impressions and indicated they would recommend granting permission.

All of us at VOH Maramvya and members from our surrounding community eagerly await the final decision!

VOH Mwanza: Health Training Sessions

At our VOH Mwanza Centre, health education is a priority. We regularly provide training sessions on various health tips to both students and staff. Recently, we conducted a personal hygiene training session for young students.

During this training, the students were educated on several aspects of personal hygiene:

  1. Bathing: Students learned how to bathe properly, including the necessary steps to ensure thorough cleanliness.
  2. Tooth cleaning: We demonstrated the correct steps for brushing teeth, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene.
  3. Nail cleaning: Proper techniques for keeping nails clean were shared, highlighting the role of nail hygiene in overall health.
  4. General hygiene: We provided comprehensive information on maintaining cleanliness for the entire body.

In addition to the practical steps, the training also covered the importance of personal hygiene. Students learned how maintaining good hygiene can positively impact their health, self-esteem, and social interactions.

VOH Zimbabwe: Solar-Powered Borehole

This week at VOH Zimbabwe, we celebrate the recent installation of a solar-powered borehole, which will provide a sustainable water supply solution for our centre’s needs, including drinking water, agriculture, and sanitation.

Zimbabwe is experiencing below-average rainfall, which may lead to water scarcity issues. This new borehole will help prepare us for the looming drought season.

With our new solar-powered borehole and 20,000-litre storage facilities, we are well-equipped to navigate this challenge. The solar borehole will significantly enhance water access, agricultural productivity, and hygiene standards at VOH Zimbabwe, benefiting the children and residents and promoting their well-being and development.

We are immensely grateful for the support of our friends and partners who made this possible!

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