Asher Goes to College: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...

Asher Goes to College

IMG_0209With great hope, joy and excitement we have sent our oldest child at VOH Malawi to college! It has been Asher’s dream to study journalism and through the generosity of a sponsor her dream has now come true.

Asher was one of the very first children to come under our care and we are all so proud of her.

VOH Burundi Welcomes Preschool Teachers

IMG_0208VOH Burundi would like to introduce two teachers, Francoise and Vestine, who are teaching our new Preschool children. This is our first year to have a preschool class and we are very happy to welcome the new teachers to the VOH Burundi family.

We believe these two will be more than a blessing to our children and to VOH Burundi in general.

Sports Day at VOH Chongwe

IMG_0205Sports play a big role in the development of a child, which is why we’ve implemented them into the curriculum. There was a soccer match between g7 and g8 boys; they were all very excited as they wore newly donated soccer uniforms for the first time.

Once again we are so thankful to our sponsors for making this possible!

VOH Kenya Snack Time

IMG_0210At VOH Kenya, the baby class is taking their morning break and

enjoying some uji (a thick porridge) and mandazi (a tasty East

African treat similar to a donut).

The children at VOH Kenya enjoy a variety of foods during their snack and lunch time from sukuma wiki (a green dish with kale and tomatoes), omena (little fried fish similar to sardines), beans and maize, to kuku (chicken) and nyama ya ng’ombe (literally translated “meat of beef”).

At VOH Kenya, all of the children are in the feeding program and by the time they start for home at the end of the day, they are happy and healthy!

VOH Kitwe Parent-Staff Meeting

IMG_0211At the beginning of each new school year at VOH Kitwe, community parents and caregivers are called upon to come to the School to discuss the welfare of the children. The Head teacher reviews the VOH School Policy and encourages them to work hand in hand with the School Administration in order to help the children.

Everyone is encouraged to contribute by helping with various small jobs. For example, slashing and repairing the road. Their response is overwhelming because they have a sense of ownership and they appreciate all that VOH has done to help their community.

Dickson Volunteers at VOH Mwanza

IMG_0206One of our older VOH Mwanza youth, Dickson, who graduated from High School recently has been working every day at our school onsite while he waits for his exam results. When his results are in, he will decide what he wants to do next, but in the meantime he wants to give back to VOH by helping out.

Dickson has been extremely helpful at the school, helping our cook and the teachers with various tasks. We have gotten only good reports on his work ethic and we are very proud of the job he is doing.

Medical Supplies for VOH Zimbabwe!

IMG_0207The clinic at VOH Zimbabwe was blessed through a local association of mission hospitals with a large donation of medical supplies. Angela, our nurse, is all smiles as she shows some of the equipment we received.

It is a privilege to be able to help so many, thanks to support locally as well as from our overseas sponsors.

Latest Blog “Director’s Blog: Our Spirit Should Make Our Lives Stand Out”

Director blog - our spirit

I decided that day that I want to live my life in such a way that I stand out; I do not want to live as one who just blends in. I want to live my life bringing joy to others as I move by the blowing of the spirit though my life…read more


Photo of the Week:

Happy Friday!

Martin M - TGIF

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