Farming at VOH Mwanza: This week at Villages of Hope

Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...

Farming at VOH Mwanza

IMG_0362The VOH Mwanza Farm has been a busy place lately. We are in the middle of harvesting our maize crop and at the same time planting our rice crop. Also we were very happy to have another calf born last week. The calf is from the newest cow we had purchased, “Mwanzo.” She was pregnant when we bought her and so has now given birth. This means we now have 3 adult cows and 3 calves who are all growing quickly!

VOH Burundi Welcomes Team

IMG_0213VOH Burundi is very honored to have a Canadian team from Cross Church in Winnipeg, Canada. The team arrived on Sunday March 1st in Bujumbura and will be with us for two weeks. They got busy right away helping us paint the first Bwiza Centre. It is always a great blessing to us to have teams come and support our work.

Haircuts at VOH Chongwe

IMG_0214VOH Chongwe is happy to announce we have trained some of the older boys to do haircuts. The boys were interested in learning and they caught on quickly.

The new barbers are now able to cut each other’s hair as well as give haircuts to the other boys living in the children’s homes. This skill will be a new way for them to do their part helping out while living at the village and will later provide them with a means of supporting themselves as they grow older.

VOH Kenya Staff Room

IMG_0219VOH Kenya is busy finishing up the building of the new Head Teacher’s office, staff room, and single classroom! The teachers have been using temporary buildings for their staffroom and they are all very eager to move into a permanent location. The new staffroom and classroom will have a beautiful view of rice and sugar fields, and will be a quiet place where teachers can come to concentrate and rest.

Donation from the Lions Club

IMG_0215This past January, VOH Kitwe Director, Everlyn Chitente visited the Kitwe Chamber of Commerce to tell them about the ministry at Village of Hope. One of the members from the Chamber of Commerce later connected Everlyn to the Kitwe Lions Club.

In February some members from the Lions Club visited the Village and said they were very impressed with what they saw. We were thrilled to be chosen to be one of only six organizations who were blessed with a donation of books for our Library!

Fun and Games at VOH Malawi

IMG_0364One of our older VOH Mwanza youth, Dickson, who graduated from High School recently has been working every day at our school onsite while he waits for his exam results. When his results are in, he will decide what he wants to do next, but in the meantime he wants to give back to VOH by helping out.

Dickson has been extremely helpful at the school, helping our cook and the teachers with various tasks. We have gotten only good reports on his work ethic and we are very proud of the job he is doing.

Transformations at VOH Mongu

IMG_0363Meet Catherine, one of our new admissions at the VOH Mongu Save a Life Centre. We were so concerned about Catherine when she came to the centre as she was very ill. She struggled with feeding and was very miserable. She slowly improved after spending 3 weeks with us at the centre. We are pleased to share that she is now eating by herself and gives us little smiles. She has even started to play!

Latest Blog “Director’s Blog: Our Spirit Should Make Our Lives Stand Out”

Director blog - our spirit

I decided that day that I want to live my life in such a way that I stand out; I do not want to live as one who just blends in. I want to live my life bringing joy to others as I move by the blowing of the spirit though my life…read more


Photo of the Week:

More from our #BringingHope photo project… 


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