VOH Kenya Preschool: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...

VOH Kenya Preschool

IMG_0168VOH Kenya would like to introduce you to the new Pre-School kids! This year we have 21 new pre-school students registered at Hope Academy. It’s always a joy watching these children enter into the school gates for the first take and seeing their excitement, energy, and anticipation for their first year in school. Their day is shorter than the upper primary children and they get lots of movement breaks and opportunities for play throughout the day!

VOH Burundi Choir

IMG_0333Many of the VOH Burundi youth are a part of “Trumpet Sound,” one of the Burundi Assemblies of God Choirs. Recently, they performed songs that were made into an album. We thank God that they are able to use their gifts and love for music in this way.

Water for VOH Chongwe

IMG_0331The District of Chongwe has been experiencing water shortages, which have forced many households in the area to use unsafe water for drinking and other utilities. VOH Chongwe is happy to have a new water supply system powered by Solar. This system will supply water to the entire Village and those in the surrounding community will also benefit as always as we share our water with our neighbours.

With this new system in place, we will ensure all VOH Chongwe children continue to have clean water, even when the water supplied by our district council is not available.

Special Donation for VOH Kitwe

IMG_0332We at VOH Kitwe are very excited to share a testimony of provision. During the end of 2014, a church in the UK raised a donation for us and upon receiving the funds we were able to purchase blankets for the children’s homes as well as a much needed pair of shoes for one of our new children.

The mothers are very encouraged to see that a timely donation came in, when nights are becoming cold due to the rainy season. We thank God for all the support that comes from friends and sponsors of VOH Africa. You are challenging us to be a blessing to those around us as well.

Playing Games at VOH Malawi

IMG_0328Last week, the VOH Malawi preschool children were out playing a favourite game of theirs called “The Goat and the Hyena.” Everyone holds hands and they sing together in Chichewa “the goat is on the porch, HEY! The hyena is very tired, HEY!” As they sing the ‘goat’ tries to escape the ‘hyena’. The best part, of course, is when the hyena catches the goat and all the children dissolve into laughter.

Another Transformation at VOH Mongu

IMG_0330We are so proud of Mbachinenge, who has just finished her 6 months at the Save a Life feeding program at VOH Mongu. What a blessing to see her transformation from being a timid and severely malnourished girl to a confident, playful and happy child.

Her mother amazed us with her testimony as she once trusted the witch doctors to take care of her child, but she later encouraged the mothers on the program to keep attending. She now knows that God is above all things and will take care of her family.

Thank you to everyone who makes it possible for us to receive these beautiful children into our loving and caring VOH family.

A New Life for Happy

IMG_0334This week at VOH Mwanza one of our little girls, Halima (known to everyone as Happy) was officially adopted through Social Welfare here in Tanzania and taken to live with her new family. It was a long process (over two years) but we are thankful for the family’s perseverance and patience. She has gone to live with a wonderful family who were over-joyed to welcome her. We will miss her at the Village but we are happy and thankful for a beautiful, happy ending (which is really a new beginning) for Happy.

VOH Zimbabwe Prepares for Track and Field

IMG_0169It was another busy week at VOH Zimbabwe. Some of the students were very busy practicing for the upcoming inter-house track and field competitions. Meanwhile, the staff enjoyed each other’s company as they headed to their various departments after attending the weekly Wednesday devotional time together. We love to see and hear the enthusiasm around the Village!

Photo of the Week:

Thank you everyone who came out to visit us at Missionsfest Vancouver this past weekend!



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