VOH Chongwe 100% Pass Rate: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...

VOH Chongwe 100% Pass Rate

IMG_0317VOH Chongwe is so proud to have our first grade 8 class! Last year our grade 7 students wrote the National Examinations and our Village recorded a 100% pass rate in our district!
We would like to show our appreciation to our dedicated and committed teachers for the achievement and above all to our sponsors who make it possible for the children to receive free education in a conducive Christian environment.

Excellent team work!

VOH Mwanza Director Visits Burundi

IMG_0316This week, VOH Burundi was honored to receive Julius Kenyamanyara, the VOH Mwanza Director. We had great time together and had the opportunity to share our respective experiences. These are some pictures of him with the VOH Burundi children, the village Director, and some members of the staff.

VOH Kitwe Youth Graduates

IMG_0319The VOH Kitwe School and Kachimfya Youth Empowerment Program were happy to welcome Brian Faulkner, Alex Makarenko, and Brian Stubbs to the Village by presenting a very exciting musical concert.

During the the same program, Amy Singleton, Director of the Kachimfya Program, presented certificates of completion to the first Kachimfya students.
Afterwards, the grade 9 to grade 12 students received orientation for the 2015 Kachimfya program. We are very optimistic that this youth program will go a long way in preparing the students for the future.

VOH Malawi Grocery Day!

IMG_0320Jef Walton, the New VOH Malawi Director, accompanied the mamas on their shopping day. They all piled into the minibus and headed into town to buy this week’s groceries. The mamas do a great job choosing healthy food to suit the needs of their particular family.

When we returned to VOH, the kids came running to help their mama carry everything home. Just like any home anywhere in the world, grocery day is the best!

VOH Mongu Back to School

IMG_0315On January 12th, the new school year began at VOH Mongu. The children came excited to find their new classrooms, and meet their teachers. There was a lot of laughing, dancing, and playing around the school as the children were happy to be reunited with their friends and were celebrating being back at school!

New Kitchen for VOH Mwanza

IMG_0318School is back in gear at VOH Mwanza and now with our newly added Grade 3 class it’s busier than ever. We were also grateful for a donation that allowed us to build a new, bigger and better outdoor kitchen where our School Cook, Susana now has an easier time preparing snacks and lunch for our staff and students at the school. She does a wonderful job and always has a beautiful smile on her face.

The children always help clean up by washing their cups after “uji” (porridge) – which is huge help considering there are about 170 cups to wash!
Latest Blog: “VOH Zimbabwe Back to School”:

“We are very thankful that many parents and caregivers from the community came to the Village last Saturday and worked together to get it ready for the school’s opening day…” Read more


Photo of the Week:




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