Finger painting at VOH Burundi: This week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa…


Finger Painting at VOH Burundi!

Monday 1 - burundi
The children at VOH Burundi had a great time decorating and painting the kitchen at the Bwiza Center where they gather each day for the feeding program, devotions, and tutoring. Most haven’t had the opportunity to paint before – there were smiles all around!


Learning about the Environment at VOH Kitwe

Tuesday 2 - kitwe

The grade 4 classes at VOH Kitwe are learning how important trees are to our environment. We are thankful to local pastor David Chibale who donated trees to the school that the students were able to plant as part of their lesson. Giving the children the opportunity to plant trees themselves while they learn about them will definitely make the lesson more memorable. As they continue through to grade 12, and see how much their trees have grown, this lesson will have a lasting impact on the students.


VOH Chongwe Grocery Donation

Wed 1 - chongwe

VOH Chongwe is so grateful for the many friends both locally and from far away who support us in so many ways. This week a young lady from Chongwe visited and blessed the children’s homes with some groceries that she purchased with her own resources. She wanted to say thank-you to VOH for the care being provided to the children and it was her desire to help in some way. Both her visit and the gifts that she brought were a great example to the children and staff of how Zambians care about them and that they are not forgotten.


Fire Drill at VOH Malawi

wed 2 - malawi

Several months ago VOH Malawi had fire safety training. This week we had a fire drill to see how well everyone remembered what they had learned during the training. The drill was not announced, but came as a surprise and nobody – including staff – knew we were having it.

It was great to see all the kids from school practising what they had been taught and they did very well. The three appointed wardens also carried out their roles well in making sure all the children were safe and accounted for. We were pleased with the results and will continue to have drills on a regular basis!



VOH Zimbabwe Students

VOH Zimbabwe received results for their first O level exams this past week. We are proud of the youth from the homes that received excellent results and are ready to move to Form 5!


Photo of the Week:

We were blessed by these messages posted on our wall by VOH graduates!

Thursday 1


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