VOH Africa

Villages of Hope: Africa Society is a Canadian Charitable Organization. Our mission is to bring lasting hope to orphans and vulnerable children throughout Africa by providing them with holistic and loving care so they can embrace adulthood as contributing members of society. Learn more

Meet Bertha…

Bertha is a graduate from the community school at Village of Hope – Kitwe and now she works on site as a receptionist in the office. Bertha was kind enough to answer some questions to share how she ended up at Village of Hope and how it has changed her life. How did you find […]

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According to UNICEF, most orphans and vulnerable children have their education interrupted due to life circumstances. We respond to these critical issues by providing free education from preschool to grade 12. The schools also provide the opportunity to be involved in sports, music and other extra-curricular activities providing a well-rounded education for the students. Attending school

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According to a UNICEF study on nutrition, households affected by HIV/AIDS experience a drop in food consumption, which puts children (orphans in particular) at a higher risk of malnutrition. Additionally, a 2013 study found the introduction of school feeding programs resulted in an increase of annual attendance from 69% to 98%. Through our feeding programs we offer nutrition daily. Through this program,

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