This Week: Accessing Water During Drought

This week, we celebrated Mwanza’s grade seven graduates and found ways to access water despite current drought conditions.

Back to School Hope Packs Update

Our Back to School Hope Packs campaign is over and we raised $4,000! We want to say a big thanks to everyone who supported this campaign. Our students can’t wait to receive their Packs and be fully equipped for the school year ahead!

VOH Bulale: School Opening Day

This week at our VOH Bulale school, we had two significant events: school opening day and staff opening prayers.

School opening day is an exciting day for both teachers and pupils. The students are always excited to meet their friends, classmates, and beloved teachers. During this time, teachers receive their students’ files so they can learn about their new class.

In addition, it is our custom to start every academic term with a week of prayer. During this time, our staff gathers regularly to pray, joined by the students when they are able. We pray for the upcoming school term and the well-being of our students, teachers, and community.

We are excited for the term ahead!

VOH Bwiza: New School Year

The new school year has begun at VOH Bwiza, and the children are very excited to return!

As we do not have children’s homes at our centre, all the children under our care are from the surrounding community. They come early each morning for the feeding program before heading to school. When classes are done, they return for lunch.

After being away for two months, the students enjoyed catching up with one another over lunch and sharing stories about their holidays.

We are so grateful to see these children happy and well cared for. We can’t thank our sponsors and donors enough; without you, our work wouldn’t be possible.

VOH Chongwe: Solar-Powered Water System

At VOH Chongwe, we are grateful to have reliable access to water thanks to our solar-powered water system. Zambia is facing a severe electricity shortage, resulting in lengthy power outages. Thanks to the solar-powered water pump, we can continue churning water from underground.

We are so grateful to the donors who provided the funds that enabled us to buy and install this water system, which has proved to be a great resource, especially now, given the country’s electricity crisis.

It is heartwarming to see the children at the centre smiling because their water needs are still being met!

VOH Kitwe: Donated ATV

This week, VOH Kitwe is excited to share about our ATV, which a young boy from Manitoba donated a while ago after seeing the challenges of transporting water to and around our centre. The ATV is perfect for our purposes as it can handle the unpaved, rough terrain surrounding our centre.

Because of the recent drought, the water supply from our utility company and our boreholes is erratic. The ATV allows us to source water from other locations quickly and easily. In addition, our construction team uses it regularly to ferry materials from the shops to our construction site.

We are so grateful for the young donor’s generosity—this gift is proving to be an essential tool for our centre!

VOH Luongo: Administration Block Update

The construction of the VOH Luongo administration block, which is being built at our centre, is finally taking shape.

This week, our local board visited the site with the director. As they toured the centre and inspected the building, they were amazed at the construction team’s work so far.

The staff is thrilled with the progress and is excited to use the new building once it is completed. The community is also happy about this development because it is the first building of its kind in the Luongo community.

We are grateful to our donors and friends for their support, which makes this and other projects possible!

VOH Malawi: Constructing a Library

This week at VOH Malawi, we are excited to announce the beginning of a new project: the construction of a library!

A well-stocked library can significantly improve student performance by offering a place for research, reading, and studying—resources that are critical for academic success.

This project is especially significant for us as it will provide our students with access to essential learning materials, which are often scarce in many schools across the region.

Our vision for this library is ambitious. We aim to fill it with books that are relevant to the curriculum and promote social growth and life skills. We hope that during their free time, the children will take full advantage of this space to broaden their knowledge and love for reading.

The building has been designed to include spacious verandas where the kids can study or gather for discipleship sessions. Additionally, a staff room will be integrated into the same building, giving teachers a place to rest and prepare for their upcoming lessons.

The construction work has kicked off smoothly, and we look forward to seeing the project completed in the coming months.

This library represents another step in transforming VOH Malawi into a thriving learning environment. We are deeply grateful to our donors for their ongoing support, which has made this and many other projects possible. Just a few years ago, we could never have imagined the VOH Malawi we see today. May God continue to bless our donors for their generosity and faith in our mission.

VOH Maramvya: New School Supplies

This week at VOH Maramvya, the children were overjoyed to receive school materials for the upcoming term!

Thanks to the generosity of the children’s sponsors and those who supported our recent Hope Packs campaign, our centre was able to distribute backpacks, notebooks, pens, uniforms, and other essential supplies to ensure that each child has the tools they need to succeed in their studies.

The distribution event was highly anticipated by the students, who eagerly lined up to receive their new supplies. Many of the children could be seen excitedly unpacking their bags, admiring their new books, trying on their uniforms and testing out their new pens.

Our school staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to organize the distribution and ensure that each child received the correct supplies for their grade level.

As the children walked away with their new items, hope and determination filled the air. With their supplies in hand, the students are ready to tackle the challenges of the new school year and strive for success in their studies!

VOH Mongu: School Photos

The third and final term of the year has officially begun at VOH Mongu, marking the home stretch for 2024. We started with an exciting initiative: school photos!

These pictures represent more than just a moment in time; they encapsulate a year of growth, learning, and transformation.

For some, it might be their first-ever school picture, and for others, it could be their final one before moving on to the next chapter. Regardless, each photograph serves as a reminder of the community we’ve built and the individual journeys that have unfolded throughout the year. It’s not just about the photos but about celebrating each child’s unique story and making sure no one is left out.

Starting the term with such a joyful and meaningful activity has set the tone for the final months ahead. We are excited to see how this term unfolds.

Here’s to a fantastic final term filled with growth, learning, and plenty of memories!

VOH Mwanza: Grade 7 Graduation

September 20th was a very special day at our VOH Mwanza school. On this day, we celebrated the graduation of twenty-two Grade 7 students, who are now ready to move on to secondary school.

The day was filled with joy and excitement as students, graduates, teachers, parents, staff, and guests came together for the big celebration. The event included performances of songs, Bible verses, academic presentations, and even some traditional dances.

The graduates received their certificates and various awards to honour their hard work and achievements. After the ceremony, we all shared a delicious lunch.

Congratulations to our graduates. We wish them the best of luck in their future studies!

VOH Zimbabwe: Baptism Service

On a radiant day at VOH Zimbabwe, a joyous baptism service took place, marking a significant milestone for over twenty children. This beautiful ceremony highlighted VOH Zimbabwe’s commitment to instilling the teachings of Jesus Christ in the hearts of young lives.

VOH Zimbabwe aims to ensure each child not only hears about Jesus but also develops a personal relationship with Him. This mission is rooted in nurturing spiritual growth and fostering an understanding of God’s love.

Children are exposed to the gospel for at least four hours each week through various discipleship programs, including Bible studies, interactive lessons, and worship activities. This structured engagement allows children to actively learn how to embody Christian principles in their daily lives.

The baptism service itself was filled with enthusiasm and emotional testimonies. Each child took a significant step in their faith journey, surrounded by supportive staff, family members, and fellow believers. Prayers were offered, songs were sung, and the atmosphere radiated love and community, underscoring the importance of this sacred event.

By participating in the baptism, each child publicly declared their faith, a moment cherished by all who attended.

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