This Week: Preparing for Back-to-School

This week at VOH Africa, we made the most of the school break and launched our Back to School Hope Packs campaign!

Back to School Hope Packs!

It’s back-to-school season for VOH students! Depending on the country, for some, the new school year begins in September and for others in January, and we want all our students to be well-equipped.

Our Back to School Hope Packs ensure every VOH child has their own school supplies for the year ahead!

Back to School Hope Packs contain:

  •     Exercise books
  •     Pencil cases
  •     Pens and pencils
  •     Erasers
  •     Rulers

Give a Back to School Hope Pack for just $20!

VOH Bulale: Primary School Grand Opening

Last week, we celebrated the grand opening of VOH Bulale Primary School with joy and enthusiasm. The event was filled with captivating performances, including songs, poems, and a delightful comedy by our talented first and second-graders, who wowed everyone by impersonating Tanzanian presidents.

The creativity of these young stars left a lasting impression on our guests, especially our guest of honour, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups, who couldn’t resist joining the children in dancing.

Sergio Bersaglio, Executive Director of VOH Africa, and Nancy Bersaglio, Director of Development for VOH Africa, were also seen laughing and enjoying the performances.

We want to give a special shoutout to Uncle Cliff, the generous sponsor of the school’s construction. Thanks to his support, the children of Bulale now have the opportunity to learn close to home, setting them on a path toward a bright and successful future!

VOH Bwiza: Visit from Cross Church

This week at VOH Bwiza, we were excited to welcome a Canadian team of four from Cross Church Canada. Cross Church is one of our incredible supporters, both spiritually and financially.

When a team comes, it is a joyful moment for everyone. The children welcomed the visitors with sweet words, and everyone shared quality time, which included an inspiring message from one of the visitors.

These moments are always a blessing to all of the VOH Burundi family. We thank Cross Church Canada for their heart and commitment to VOH Burundi! We are very grateful for their love.

VOH Chongwe: Providing Nutrition Amidst Drought

VOH Chongwe is glad to share that our centre has kept its doors open for children to come and eat or collect nutritious porridge during the school break.

Many children living near the school, including their siblings, have had the opportunity to receive the porridge and continue to enjoy the benefits of the nutrition program. The school has been on holiday for the past three weeks, but the nutrition program has continued the whole time.

Given that many parts of the country, including the Chongwe district, suffered a severe drought recently, the need for nutrition supplementation in the community is significant.

Many households in the surrounding communities have experienced significant food shortages as a result. In addition, the resulting increase in the prices of various essential food commodities on the market has further limited access to nutritious food for the vulnerable, especially children.

We are thankful to God for our donors who continue to make the nutrition program possible!

VOH Kitwe: Enjoying School Break

VOH Kitwe children are on school break, and this week, we found them relaxing and having leisure time.

During this time off, the children enjoy playing games like snakes and ladders. They also have games they play with stones, along with various sports.

We love seeing the children participate in free play so they can develop social interactive skills.

VOH Luongo: Tutoring During Break

The VOH Luongo children are on school break, and this week, they came to the centre to have fun with their teachers and receive tutoring in math and literacy.

The children love reading time, which allows them to read stories out loud to their friends. Their teachers help any who may be struggling.

Some children also enjoyed playin board games, competing against each other for fun.

The children, as well as the guardians, appreciate the extra time the teachers spend with the children, even during the break!

VOH Malawi: Kids Discipleship Chapel

This week at VOH Malawi, we held our weekly Kids Discipleship Chapel. It’s a time when all the children gather to learn and grow in their faith.

Each week, a different staff member leads the session, appointing children to take charge of praise and worship. It’s truly inspiring to hear their beautiful voices and witness their enthusiasm for learning about God.

During the chapel, some children had the opportunity to recite their favourite Bible verses, showcasing their deep understanding of the Word.

The session also includes a Bible story presented by a staff member, followed by a discussion where the children share what they’ve learned. It’s heartwarming to see how much they grasp and how eager they are to apply these lessons in their lives.

The chapel not only nurtures the children’s spiritual growth but also encourages them to be examples of faith in their homes and communities.

We are proud of the dedication our staff puts into making these sessions impactful, and we pray that the chapel continues to foster positive growth for both the kids and staff.

VOH Maramvya: New Football Field

In an effort to promote sports and physical activity in the local community, the VOH Maramvya has begun preparations to build a football field on the premises. The construction of the field is already underway, and we are working hard to ensure it’s ready in time for the upcoming school year.

The new field is expected to bring a positive impact to children by providing a space for them to come together and participate in friendly games and tournaments, fostering a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition.

Additionally, the new field will allow us to host various sporting events and activities, further engaging the community and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

Overall, this is a positive development that will have lasting benefits for our centre and community!

VOH Mongu: Healthcare Update

Our healthcare department at VOH Mongu has been working hard through the school holidays.

The clinic has been sorting through supplies and preparing for term 3, especially for health week. Staff are making sure they will be ready to perform check-ups on all 862 children.

In addition, our Champions Club has been growing. We even started a new weekly club at the local hospital. In the past few months, there have been many milestones with first walks, first words, sitting up straight and even eating on their own!

Save a Life has been going strong, too, seeing malnourished children and babies. Every month, they discharge an average of 15 children whose lives they have saved. It is always amazing seeing the transformation from a struggling child and hopeless mother to a healthy and thriving child and a hopeful mother!

VOH Mwanza: Meet Sundi

VOH Mwanza would like to introduce you to Sundi, a 20-year-old student who has just finished her Form Six studies.

Sundi has been studying Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (PCB), and we are thrilled to share that she achieved 3 A’s in her exams, which is the highest distinction in Tanzania!

We are incredibly proud of Sundi’s hard work and dedication. To celebrate her remarkable achievement, we surprised her with a cake and shared some encouraging words to recognize her efforts.

Sundi has a dream of becoming a doctor, and we firmly believe she will make it. Her determination and excellence in her studies have shown that she is on the right path.

Let’s all wish Sundi the very best as she continues to pursue her dream. We are excited to see what the future holds for her.

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