This Week: A Time of Celebration

This week at VOH Africa, we celebrated birthdays, learned to bake, and welcomed visitors from Canada!

VOH Bulale: Celebrating Recent Birthdays!

Recently, VOH Bulale was abuzz with joy and excitement as we gathered to celebrate all this month’s birthdays.

Smiles and laughter marked the occasion as the children enjoyed a delicious cake with their teachers and fellow students, creating a memorable and joyful moment for all.

Adding to the joy of the day, we were honoured to welcome a special guest, Mr. Robert from Canada, along with his family. Mr. Robert shared an inspiring sermon on the “Great Commandments,” emphasizing that every creature on earth, regardless of age, has a purpose to bring people to Jesus. His message resonated with everyone, reminding us of the importance of our spiritual mission.

The event concluded with a special prayer session led by Mr. Robert. He prayed for the pupils, encouraging them to embrace the fulfilling journey of living out the Great Commandments.

As we cherish the memories of this beautiful celebration, we are filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming July birthday celebration. We look forward to continuing these joyous traditions and creating lasting memories with our VOH family.

VOH Bwiza: Having Fun with Visitors

This week, we were blessed to receive visitors from the Zion Christian Peace Volunteer Group Burundi, who came to see our children and bless them.

The children had fun with the visitors, taking part in fun activities like writing letters to friends, drawing, and singing.

The children even learned a Korean song!

The visitors also blessed our feeding program with five bags of maize flour.

We are very grateful for those with loving and caring hearts who can bless our children and make them feel loved and valued.

VOH Chongwe: Celebrating the Zambia Flag 🇿🇲

At VOH Chongwe, we recently replaced our old flag with a new one. Some of the grade 4 and 5 students were thrilled at the opportunity to see the flag close-up.

The children demonstrated their knowledge when they explained the meaning of the flag’s different colours. They gladly mentioned green as representing the country’s vegetation, black as representing the people of the land and orange as representing Zambia’s mineral resources.

They also mentioned red as standing for the blood which was shed during the struggle for independence. They also said that the eagle represented freedom for the Zambian people and the nation’s ability to rise above the different challenges faced.

It was wonderful to see the children sharing what they’ve learned in school and celebrating their country!

VOH Kitwe: Household Gardens

Each home at our VOH Kitwe centre has a garden that the housemother, together with the children, takes care of. Now that the children are on school break, this week, they took time to work in their gardens by removing weeds and watering the vegetables.

The children always get excited when it’s time to work in their small garden, taking care of their crops. Once the vegetables are ready to consume, they know that the vegetables they are eating are a reward for their hard work.

We are happy that the children are excited about acquiring such a valuable skill and that the skill is also rewarding!

VOH Luongo: New Administration Block

This week at VOH Luongo, we are excited to share the progress of our new admin building!

The engineers and everyone involved are doing a great job so far. Our VOH director, accompanied by a civil engineer consultant, came by to inspect. Both were pleased with the work done so far.

The engineer also took an opportunity to go around the school area, checking the boundaries of VOH Luongo land.

He also visited our classroom block and was pleased to see the children eager to learn and the commitment of the teaching staff.

The staff are thrilled that soon, they will have an administration block!

VOH Malawi: Visit from Oasis Church

This week at VOH Malawi, we were blessed with visitors from Oasis Church. As close friends of VOH, their visit meant a lot to us.

The timing was perfect, as the kids had just finished their exams and were about to close for the term. The Oasis team had the opportunity to witness our closing celebration, during which the children performed and showcased what they had learned throughout the academic year.

The team also visited the families of the children they sponsor. It was heartwarming to see the joy on both sides as sponsors met the children and their families in person after years of exchanging letters.

Over the weekend, the team organized a retreat for all staff members to appreciate and encourage them. The retreat included sermons from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. It was a wonderful time for the staff to rest and feel appreciated for their dedication to the children and the community.

During their last week, the team joined our annual Hope Camp with older kids. They participated in different clubs, sharing their skills and connecting with the children.

We thank God for the opportunity to have sponsors visit, pray for, and get to know the kids on a deeper level. Thank you, Oasis!

VOH Maramvya: Office Building Construction Update

Construction of our new office building at VOH Maramvya is coming along!

The new building will serve as a catalyst for growth and productivity within the organization and provide a sustainable, employee-oriented work environment. It will feature spacious and elegant workspaces that enhance workflow and productivity. The open-concept design will encourage communication and collaboration, fostering a culture of teamwork and innovation among employees.

The building will also have dedicated areas for meetings and conferences to allow virtual collaboration.

The use of modern fittings and equipment will prioritize comfort and well-being. The furniture will be ergonomic and adjustable to individual preferences, reducing the risk of discomfort and injury. In addition, the buildings will be equipped with modern air-conditioning and ventilation systems to promote good air quality and temperature control.

Overall, this new building clearly indicates the organization’s commitment to providing its employees with the best possible workspaces!

VOH Mongu: Learning to Bake

This week, our VOH Mongu centre was filled with the delightful aroma of freshly baked goods as we welcomed students for a baking lesson. As the students entered, they were greeted with warm smiles and the comforting scent of ingredients laid out on the counters.

This baking lesson was more than just a culinary experience. It was an opportunity for the students to learn valuable life skills, such as teamwork, patience, and the joy of creating something with their own hands.

As the students took their freshly baked goods out of the oven, their faces lit up with joy. The joy of seeing their efforts come to fruition was palpable.

The day ended with everyone gathering to taste the fruits of their labour, sharing stories and laughter over the delicious treats.

We are hoping to make this a weekly class so students can learn new skills, build friendships and further explore the joy of creating something with their own two hands!

VOH Mwanza: Sports and Games

At the VOH Mwanza, we focus on the health and well-being of our children by offering them many chances to play sports and games. We believe that being active is vital for their growth and happiness.

Our program includes various sports that match the interests of our children. The children have the chance to play netball, volleyball and football. They also have opportunities to run and improve their endurance.

We are very thankful to our teachers, who guide and support our children in these activities and ensure they have the best experience possible.

VOH Zimbabwe: Innocent and Bekinkosi

In a tale of triumph, Innocent and Bekinkosi stand as testaments to the transformative power of VOH—a sanctum where dreams take flight and hope finds its footing. Having recently completed degrees in accounting and multilingual communication, these young adults are a testament to the support and nurturing environment provided by VOH Zimbabwe.

Their success is not theirs alone but a collective effort, with partners and friends generously contributing to their educational endeavours. This collaboration embodies a shared commitment to empowering underprivileged children, showing them the love of Christ, and offering a beacon of hope in challenging times.

In expressing their profound gratitude, Innocent and Bekinkosi echo prayers for blessings upon all involved, underscoring the ripple effect of kindness and support. Their words transcend mere appreciation, embracing a deep sense of interconnectedness and the enduring impact of compassion and faith.

As they embark on new chapters enriched by their educational achievements, they carry with them not just degrees but the lasting lessons of resilience, gratitude, and the unwavering power of hope!

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