This Week: Welcoming New Preschool Students

This week, we had dental check-ups, prepared for Culture Day, and welcomed new preschool students!

VOH Bulale: Special Diet Program

At VOH Bulale, we believe every child deserves a chance to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. With this belief at our core, we have embarked on a mission to provide care to children facing malnutrition and other health challenges.

Our Special Diet Program is a cornerstone of this mission, offering tailored nutrition plans to ensure each child receives the vital nutrients they need to grow, develop, and flourish. We currently support 12 children at our centre who benefit from this program.

Since implementing the program, we have witnessed remarkable progress among our children. Not only have they experienced improvements in their physical health, but their overall well-being has also flourished.

Through our Special Diet Program, we address the immediate nutritional needs of our children and lay the foundation for a healthier, brighter future!

VOH Bwiza: Visit from Local Students

Recently, Lycee du Saint-Esprit students paid us a visit at VOH Bwiza. The students were very excited to meet our VOH children, who were also happy to meet them.

We all had fun together, enjoying the drinks and biscuits the visitors generously paid for with their pocket money. This visit made the children feel loved and appreciated.

God bless these young leaders of tomorrow!

VOH Kitwe: Culture Day

This week, our VOH Kitwe school culture group was practicing for our upcoming Culture Day. The children are always excited to express themselves and celebrate their culture through song and dance.

During their rehearsal, they sang traditional songs and explained the meaning of each song that they sang. Fellow students supported the group by singing along, cheering and clapping.

Our staff will ensure they have the appropriate cultural attire for their performance. Their outfits will be made using locally available materials.

We can’t wait to see their performance!

VOH Luongo: Preschool Enrollment

This week at VOH Luongo, we welcomed recently enrolled preschool students.

These young students are excited to be in school for the first time. VOH Luongo is the only school in the community that offers preschool education, so these children are privileged to be enrolled. Although many walk long distances to get to school, it’s worth it.

The children’s parents and guardians are happy and grateful for this opportunity. They have promised to support and cooperate with school staff and support the school programs that the children engage in.

We are happy that, thanks to our supporters, we can put a smile on these children’s faces. We wish the preschoolers a successful and exciting education journey!

VOH Malawi: Visiting VOH Chongwe

It has always been our dream at VOH Malawi to visit other VOH centres and learn and share experiences. This dream came true when VOH Malawi visited VOH Chongwe in Zambia for nearly a week.

The lead team members representing VOH Malawi returned with immense joy, amazed by the incredible work their sister organization is doing.

One of the highlights of the visit was seeing the discipleship clubs that VOH Chongwe conducts every Thursday. In these clubs, children engage with scriptures from the Bible and create songs, drama, art, and other activities inspired by them. Our team was particularly moved by the beautiful songs the children sang. This creative approach helps embed the word of God in the children’s minds and hearts.

The team was also deeply touched by the personal stories shared by VOH Chongwe staff about how they joined VOH. These stories showcased God’s hand in providing the right people to support the organization’s mission, enabling them to impact their community significantly.

A day before departure, all the staff from Chongwe and the Malawi team played sports with the kids. It was heartwarming to see staff from both centers humbly engage with the kids’ energy and enjoy the afternoon together.

Additionally, the team appreciated the well-mannered and disciplined nature of the children. The way the kids upheld their culture and values was truly admirable.

This trip was incredibly fruitful, providing many insights and experiences for the Malawi team to share with their colleagues back home. The exchange has strengthened the bond between the two centres and inspired both to continue their vital work with renewed vigour.

VOH Maramvya: Adding Colour to our Landscape

VOH Maramvya has undergone a refreshing change, bringing the community a new sense of vitality. Inspired by the beauty of nature and the desire to create a more welcoming environment, residents and volunteers came together to clear the ground of grass, add some colourful plants and breathe new life into their surroundings.

As the colourful plants grow and the greenery shines, the children are ecstatic, their faces lighting up with joy at the sight of the revitalized grounds. The once-dull landscape has been transformed into a vibrant oasis, providing a sense of peace and serenity to all who visit.

The community spirit is alive and thriving as neighbours work hand in hand to cultivate a shared sense of pride in their surroundings.

With each colourful plant planted and blade of grass cleared, hope blossoms anew in the hearts of all involved, reminding us that even small acts of beautification can profoundly impact our community’s well-being!

VOH Mongu: Dental Clinic

We are thrilled to have a wonderful family volunteering with us at VOH Mongu. The father is an emergency doctor, and the mother is a dentist, and together with their two daughters, they are making a significant impact on the health and well-being of our children.

This dedicated family has set up a dental clinic within our VOH clinic, providing essential dental care to all the children.

Before the clinic started, they spent a day training some of our staff, equipping them with valuable skills and knowledge to support our community’s ongoing dental care needs.

Since the dental clinic began, the couple has worked diligently to see as many children as possible. They aim to ensure every child they treat leaves with a beautiful, pain-free smile.

We are incredibly grateful for families like this who selflessly dedicate their time and expertise to help others. Their generosity and hard work are truly inspiring, and they have already made a significant positive impact in a short amount of time. Their dental care addresses immediate health needs and fosters long-term health benefits for our children.

VOH Mwanza: Mother’s Day Outing

Recently, at VOH Mwanza, we celebrated a special Mother’s Day outing, honouring the 20 amazing mothers who tirelessly look after our children. We wanted to give them a day to relax, have fun, and enjoy themselves.

We chose a beautiful location where we could all spend quality time together. The day started with team-building activities, including an exciting rope-pulling challenge that brought out everyone’s competitive spirit. We also enjoyed some adult colouring, and the results were beautiful.

We concluded our outing with a delightful lunch and celebrated together. The conversations were filled with laughter and joy, making it a truly memorable day.

It was the perfect way to show appreciation for these incredible women who make a difference in the children’s lives!

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