This Week: Celebrating our Mothers

This week at VOH Africa, we installed a water tank and celebrated Mother’s Day!

VOH Bulale: Exploring Tanzanian Food Through Art

Recently, something fun happened at our VOH Bulale Nursery! The kids got to learn about Tanzanian food in a unique way. They had to find, draw, and colour pictures of Tanzanian dishes.

This activity helped the kids learn all about Tanzanian culture. They saw different kinds of traditional dishes and learned about the tasty flavours from all over the country. It made them proud of where they are from.

The best part? It was so much fun! Drawing and colouring pictures of food might sound like a regular activity, but it was way more than that. It was like being an artist and a food explorer simultaneously!

Who knew learning could be so much fun?

VOH Bwiza: Labor Day

May 1st is Labor Day in Burundi, and our VOH Bwiza and Maramvya staff and volunteers celebrated with a meal.

We always take this opportunity to show our appreciation to our hard-working staff. Their dedication is essential to our programs and ensures the children are always well cared for.

We are thankful for our VOH Burundi family and hope this occasion allowed every staff member and volunteer to have fun and feel loved and valued.

VOH Chongwe: Meet Sheviness

Sheviness joined VOH Chongwe in 2011 as an auntie in one of our children’s homes, helping to keep the homes clean and tidy.

Sheviness also helps prepare HEPS porridge for the children at our feeding program. When asked what she loves most about preparing and serving the children porridge, she said she is always happy when interacting with them. She added that it is heart-warming to know that the children can enjoy their learning and concentrate on their studies when their tummies are full.

In her spare time, Sheviness enjoys gardening and tending to her flowers at home.

VOH Chongwe continues to celebrate and appreciate the long-serving, passionate, and dedicated staff who ensure that children are loved and cared for.

VOH Kitwe: Upcoming Sports Competition

Sport is an important school activity. It helps children develop physical skills, get exercise, make friends, have fun, learn teamwork, and improve self-esteem.

At VOH Kitwe, it’s almost time for our zonal sports competition, and the children are busy preparing. The teachers and students excitedly prepared the grounds for training. They worked tirelessly to ensure everything was in place, taking safety measures so no one gets hurt.

The children are divided into different sports houses to compete amongst themselves before the big competition.

Our staff are confident that when it’s time for the big competition, our students will excel!

VOH Luongo: Cleaning Day!

Children learn well when they are in a safe and clean environment. This week, VOH Luongo held a cleaning day. On this day, staff and children worked together cleaning our centre.

The children were so happy to participate in the cleaning. Some were cleaning windows, and some were sweeping and mopping. Others were cutting the grass.

Cleaning their school allows the students to take ownership of their environment and learn responsibility. It also fosters a sense of togetherness as they work to achieve a common goal.

The centre looks great!

VOH Malawi: Farewell, Francis

This week at OH Malawi, we experienced mixed emotions as we bid farewell to one of our invaluable staff members, Francis.

Francis has been accepted to the University of Malawi to further his education and pursue a degree in Secondary education with a focus on science. We rejoice in his opportunity, recognizing it as an answered prayer and a significant milestone in his professional journey.

By the end of his studies, Francis will transition from teaching primary school to secondary school.

Francis is renowned for his sense of humour. He is always ready with a joke to bring laughter to those around him.

In addition to his humour, we deeply appreciate his unwavering commitment to child safeguarding. Francis has consistently demonstrated vigilance and dedication, often uncovering and addressing concerns that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. His diligence has been instrumental in ensuring the well-being of our children.

As Francis embarks on this new chapter of his life, we bid him farewell with blessings, gifts, and heartfelt prayers from the entire team. He will be sorely missed, but we take comfort in knowing that he will continue positively impacting lives in his future endeavours.

VOH Maramvya: New Water Tank

This week at VOH Maramvya, we are installing a 5,000L water tank. This installation showcases significant advancements in enhancing water access within the community.

The installation process began last week with thorough site preparation, including groundwork levelling and ensuring a stable foundation for the tank.

In Maramvya and many other places in Burundi, there is a water shortage, especially from June to November. The lack of water usually results in various hygiene-related diseases, as people don’t get enough water to drink, wash their hands, or cook.

In light of this ongoing issue, VOH Maramvya proposed buying and installing a water tank to store water for use during future shortages.

This positive development will benefit the VOH children and our surrounding community. We are so grateful for all of our donors who made this possible!

VOH Mongu: Preparing for Volleyball Season

As the second term kicks off, excitement mounts for the return of volleyball season. With the start of the new week, our teams have resumed their practice sessions, eagerly gearing up for the season ahead.

The coaches are busy preparing the teams, coordinating positions and plays.

The players are happy to be back on the field. Echoes of laughter and encouragement can be heard all over the school grounds.

As competitions lie on the horizon, the players are eager for the opportunity to show their skills and play as a team. Friends and schoolmates are ready to stand behind them and cheer them on every step of the way.

What is truly special is that regardless of the outcome, our teams know that true victory lies in their character, team spirit and the ability to have fun!

VOH Mwanza: Celebrating Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a cherished occasion at the VOH Mwanza. We have a tradition of celebrating this special day in a unique manner.

This year, around 50 of our staff came together to honour and celebrate the wonderful mothers among us. The mothers looked fabulous, most wearing the same colour attire, creating a beautiful and unified display of elegance and joy.

The day’s festivities began in the morning with a communal cooking session. The women prepared various delicious dishes. Afterwards, the men served the food, ensuring that all were well-fed and enjoyed the fruits of their labour.

The celebration’s highlight was the cake, a delightful treat that everyone enjoyed together. The atmosphere was filled with happiness and a deep sense of community.

We are so grateful for all the mothers who sacrifice their time and energy for the well-being of our VOH children!

VOH Zimbabwe: Africa Day

Recently at VOH Zimbabwe, we celebrated Africa Day. Africa Day is celebrated annually on May 25th to commemorate the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963.

The OAU was initially developed to promote unity and solidarity among African nations and ensure a collective voice for the continent on the global stage. Although the OAU has been replaced by the African Union (AU), the spirit and objectives remain the same.

Africa Day is a time of reflection, celebration, and commitment to the future. It signifies unity and solidarity, cultural heritage, progress and development. It raises global awareness about Africa’s political and socio-economic landscape, encouraging international support and collaboration.

It’s important to us that the children are aware of their cultural heritage and understand the importance of unity, and Africa Day is an excellent opportunity for this.

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