This Week: Planting 1300 Trees

This week at VOH Africa, we received donated desks, started a new term, and planted 1300 trees!

VOH Bulale: Planting 1300 Trees!

VOH Bulale is thrilled to announce that we helped plant 1300 trees this week!

This significant contribution marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing mission to foster environmental sustainability and community well-being.

A group of VOH children, guided by experienced mentors, planted various tree species at a local farm, including mango, avocado, and orange trees.

During this hands-on experience, our young participants learned essential techniques for tree planting, including:

  • Digging holes of adequate size to accommodate the tree’s container
  • Breaking up the root ball to facilitate healthy root growth
  • Backfilling the hole with native soil for optimal stability
  • Applying mulch to conserve moisture and promote soil health
  • Thoroughly watering each newly planted tree to ensure its vitality

By including them in tree-planting activities, we instill a sense of environmental responsibility in the younger generation and nurture a deep connection to nature.

VOH Chongwe: 40 Donated Desks

Recently, the Zambia Education Projects Implementation Unit (ZEPIU) donated 40 double-seater desks to our VOH Chongwe school!

This addition to our classrooms means our students will have a comfortable place to sit while learning and writing.

ZEPIU, under the Ministry of Education, is responsible for various projects that help schools across the country. It was a great blessing for our community school to receive the desks valued at Zambian Kwacha 24,000 (US$960).

We thank the Ministry of Education and ZEPIU for their generosity and support!

VOH Kitwe: Agriculture Program

The Zambian government is encouraging farming at both large and small scales. Here at VOH Kitwe, we are doing our part through our agriculture program.

Our garden grows a variety of vegetables, and we raise chickens. This week, we sold some vegetables and chickens to our VOH Kitwe staff and members from the surrounding community. The proceeds help continue the program and support our centre as a whole.

Those living in the community are grateful for the service we provide by bringing the market close to them, where they can access fresh vegetables and tasty chickens at a fair price.

In addition, this program supports our students by providing practical application to their agriculture courses.

We are so grateful this program is doing so well and is helping many along the way!

VOH Luongo: Ready for the New Term

The VOH Luongo children are back from a short school break, and our staff has already planned exciting activities for the coming term. They will go on school trips, have a career day, and participate in sporting competitions.

This week, the children practiced outdoor sports, including soccer, handball and jump rope. Some were also practicing indoor games. The children were so happy to have a chance to prepare for upcoming competitions.

We are confident this will be an exciting term or both the teachers and the children!

VOH Malawi: Meet Ashan

Ashan is the newest member of our VOH Malawi team, serving as a security officer.

Although he’s recently taken on this official role, Ashan is no stranger to our centre. Previously employed by a security company contracted to us, Ashan’s exceptional conduct made him well-loved by everyone, especially the children.

Several months ago, we were saddened to learn of Ashan’s resignation from his previous company. However, recognizing his outstanding work ethic and loyalty, we offered him a direct employment opportunity, which he graciously accepted. Now, Ashan has returned to our center, eager to resume his responsibilities as a valued member of the VOH team.

One invaluable asset Ashan brings is his familiarity with all our kids. This aids significantly in child safeguarding, as he can quickly identify guardians and ensure only authorized individuals collect the children. His dedication to this task is evident, and we greatly appreciate his commitment.

We thank God for bringing someone as self-motivated and cherished as Ashan back to us. His presence is a blessing to our children and the entire VOH community. We eagerly anticipate the positive impact he will undoubtedly make in his new role.

VOH Zimbabwe: Writing to Sponsors

Recently, at VOH Zimbabwe, the children wrote letters to their sponsors.

These letters allow the children to express gratitude, share successes, and update their sponsors on their progress in school. It’s also a chance for them to show the impact of their sponsors’ support and what it means to them.

Over the years, we have realized the impact of letter writing, and the sponsors’ responses have encouraged us to continue this meaningful part of our sponsorship program.

You can become a VOH Sponsor! Visit to learn more.

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