VOH Malawi Kauma Centre

It hasn’t rained in Kauma Village since April. It won’t rain again until November. The air is hot and dry. The wind drives the sand into our faces while the sun beats down on our backs. We squint through it all at dozens of tiny wee faces. Faces full of hope that maybe, just maybe, will be enrolled in VOH Malawi today.

And us? We’ve been looking forward to this moment for months now. Finally, it has arrived. Application day. A day of discovery. A day of introduction. A day of new beginnings. A day of hope. Who will God bring into our care? We were eager to find out!

Many meetings were held with local chiefs, pastors and community leaders. The mission, vision and core values of VOH Malawi were shared, heard, and celebrated. Excitement and anticipation took root in Kauma Village. Finally, the invitation from the community leaders was given and VOH Malawi was invited to provide outreach through the Kauma Village project.

Finally, the invitation from the community leaders was given.

In September of 2015, we started a brand new work here, built upon relationships that had been developed over previous years. In co-operation with a local church, we started a daily feeding program for 39 children in Kauma Village. Since starting our new feeding program in this high density, low-income community here in Lilongwe, Malawi we have quickly discovered the vast need therein.

Many children are suffering from malnutrition, poor healthcare, and their families so often are unable to afford the fees associated with schooling. That’s where VOH Malawi has been able to step in. We’ve discovered so many families in this area caring for their own orphaned family members. They do all that they can for these children, notwithstanding their own hardships, yet so often fall short of mark despite their best efforts.

This is why application day was so very exciting.

In response to this need, we increased our program in Kauma Village by 110% by adding 52 new preschool children to our program!

It’s the beginning of a new hope for these families. A relief of some of the challenges associated with taking in an orphaned child. This means the child will now receiving proper daily nutrition.

Soon, the signs of malnutrition will fade from their tiny bodies. Their distended stomach will firm up. Hair that has fallen out or turned orange will grow in thick and healthy. Lethargy will be replaced with laughter and energetic play. They now have access to quality basic health care through our partnership with a local clinic. Simple sicknesses will no longer be a household crisis.

Lastly, they will all join our brand new preschool program starting September 5th!

Fanny, Kondwani, Florence, Luraya, Oliva, Precious, Tadala, Kondwani, Richard, Margaret, Clever, Angella, Florence, Clemence, Smith, Tiyamike, Kingsily, Rebecca, Yamikani, Yvonne, Daniel, Francis, Caros, Mariam, Annes, Madalitso, Daniel, Evelyn, Adidya, Helen, Bulijeti, Doreen, Mwandida, Hanifa, Mwaiwawo, Jacob, Felisha, Justan, Gift, Dalitso, Lidia, Esther, Bright, Selina, Mercy, Vinicent, Yankho, Praise, Praise, Bishati, Happiness, Patricia, welcome to your VOH Malawi family!

Here are some photos from the VOH Kauma centre:

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