Child Health Week: this week at VOH Africa

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa…


Chongwe: Child Health Week

Our VOH Chongwe Clinic is important for all the VOH kids and staff as well as the surrounding community. This week is Child Health Week in Zambia. Our clinic is taking part in the exercise and targeting children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years by giving deworming pills, Vitamin A, and weighing them to ensure they are within a healthy range.

Burundi: Preschool Fun!

VOH Burundi Preschool Children are always happy to have fun with their teachers after their morning lessons. This allows them to relax and to get to know their teachers and be ready to sit for the next session. We are thankful for our teachers who surround our children with love and care!

Kenya: Mother’s Day

At VOH Kenya, the house moms, aunties, and staff were blessed with special gifts on Kenyan Mother’s Day in appreciation for all they do for our children. The gifts were made possible by a donation from Lakemount Worship Centre in Grimsby, Ontario. The gifts consisted of a handmade bag filled with cooking supplies and personal items for the ladies. They were touched by the kindness of this thoughtful church in Canada. Thanks, Lakemount!

Kitwe: Welcome, Christine, Innocent, and Miriam

This past week the local Social Welfare office asked VOH Kitwe if we would be able to provide a home for three 2-year-old children (Christine, Innocent, and Miriam). The children have been living in a baby’s home run by another local organization. That organization is only able to care for children until they reach the age of 2 and these three young ones are in need of a permanent home because they have no parents or extended family who are able to care for them.

We were happy to be able to help out and the children have arrived and are settling in quickly, playing with the other children and the toys in the homes. Their new moms are showing them lots of love and ensuring they receive good food and any medical care required.

Malawi: Weekly Chapel

One of the most beautiful parts of our weekly chapel service at VOH Malawi is the way the kids participate wholeheartedly. Using only their voice, one child will stand and lead the whole group in a song; or having sung together, direct their friends to kneel in prayer. It is wonderful to watch their natural desire to worship together!

Mongu: Boxes of Love!

The Boxes of Love have arrived at VOH Mongu! The kids look forward to this day every year and we are so excited to receive them this week. The boxes are filled with school supplies, clothes, goodies, and lots of love. The kids feel so spoiled and loved when they open them with all their friends and classmates.

Thanks to Christian Life Assembly in Langley, BC and all of the other churches who participated and made this day possible!

Mwanza: Vacation Bible School


It’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) time at VOH Mwanza! Children from ages 3 to 12 are having a blast on a prayer safari. They are learning that God loves us, He listens, provides, and forgives. VBS is hosted by Mwanza Pentecostal Church, a community church located on site. This is a great community outreach with around 40 children attending from the surrounding area in addition to our own VOH kids.

The leaders and teachers of VBS are our very own VOH Mwanza youth who are discovering their gifts and beginning to use them to disciple others. Our hearts are filled with joy and praise!

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