VOH Kitwe Clinic Helping Many: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...

VOH Kitwe Clinic Helping Many!

09.11.2015 KITWEThe VOH Kitwe Clinic whose dedication ceremony we celebrate just a few short weeks ago, has taken off with many patients queuing for medical attention. Our Clinic Staff are kept busy caring for all of the additional people that we are now able to help! Each day we hear comments like this from those who are coming to receive care at our clinic.

One patient said, “There are good services and enough medicines in stock for all of us, instead of just being issued a prescription to go and buy medicines from the chemistry that we could net even afford.”

We are grateful to the Government for issuing us the license that allows us to be in a position to delivery services to many disadvantaged children and their families in our community in addition to those who are a part of the VOH family!

Congratulations, Jeremie!


09.11.2015 BURUNDIVOH Burundi is happy to share pictures of Jeremie, who just graduated from high school. Jeremie is a double orphan who, after losing both of his parents was left to care for his family as well as himself. Before knowing about Village of Hope, their lives were very hard and school fees and supplies were often missed because of other daily essentials.

VOH Burundi has been a real parent for him and we rejoice together with his family to celebrate this important event in his life. We believe that his hope of becoming an accountant one day will also be reached!

VOH Chongwe Feeding Program

09.11.2015 CHONGWEVOH Chongwe believes in order to be effective, we have to reach out to our surrounding communities. One of the outreach programs that we are carrying out is the feeding program that has been extended to children who are not part of Village of Hope. In these pictures, siblings of our students and children are allowed to come and receive a nutritious meal each day from our feeding program.

Kenya Students Preparing for Exam

09.11.2015 KENYAThis week at VOH Kenya, Grade 8 students are busy studying for their national exam coming up this November. Upon passing this exam, they will receive the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. From that step, they can go on to high school.

We are excited that thanks to generous donors, we now have funding in place to begin construction of a high school, which will be ready for these students in January!

VOH Malawi Puppies!

09.11.2015 MALAWIThe children at VOH Malawi are so excited to have seven puppies join our family! Our security dog ranks have grown from 3 to 10 with the birth of these new pups. The kids sure do love having puppies to play with and getting their pictures taken together.

VOH Mongu Baptism

09.11.2015 MONGUVOH Mongu is happy to celebrate with Namakau who was baptized this past week. Namakau was first introduced to us 6 months ago when she brought her severely malnourished seven-year-old daughter, Numba, to the Save a Life center for help.

Numba has responded very well to the care that she has received at Save a Life, but not only is God working in little Numba’s life, He is also working in the life of her mother, Namakau. When Namakau started bringing Numba to the VOH, we could see she was broken, without hope or love. It was incredible to witness her getting baptized on Sunday and to have shared in her growth over the last 6 months. We praise God for the things that He is doing in our children and mothers lives.

 Special Needs Training at VOH Mwanza

09.11.2015 MWANZAWe were excited at VOH Mwanza to have Zelda Mycroft from Chaeli Campaign with us for a couple of days this past week. She led several sessions over two days with all of our staff members as well as all of our children. The Chaeli Campaign is an organization that works with children who have special needs or who are “differently abled.” Zelda raised her daughter Chaeli (who has Cerebral Palsy) to be an amazing young woman who is impacting so many with a message of hope and changing people’s perspective when it comes to what we think people with special needs are truly capable of.

Zelda shared Chaeli’s story with us and all the amazing things she has been able to accomplish in her 21 years so far. Chaeli and her mom, Zelda are truly inspirational and we are so excited about being able to help our special needs children reach their fullest potential in every way. Every child is special. Every child has a purpose and we are so blessed to be able to care for all of the children who are part of our VOH family here in Mwanza.

 Latest Blog “Where are they Now: Rudo”

09.11.2015 BLOGI am now a greater person compared to who I was before coming to Village Of Hope… [read more]

Photo of the Week:

We are #BringingHope to children in need, so…



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