Check out what's been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa...
Serving Those with Special Needs at VOH Mwanza
At VOH Mwanza we are blessed to be able to serve and take care of several special needs children. We have some children who have different learning disabilities and some who are both mentally and physically challenged. Life is hard for children with disabilities all over the world, but especially in a place like Tanzania where families will often abandon these types of children because of the stigma attached to having a disabled child and also because they simply cannot afford to care for them.
Pictured here are Hamisa and Nuru–two of our more severely disabled children. They each have a Special Needs Caregiver who works with them daily. They understand and are aware of much more than we could possibly know. One of Hamisa’s favourite things to do is to dance; she loves music.
These kids are a blessing from God and we believe He created them for a purpose and so it is our joy to nurture them in every way we can.
Throwing Away Hurtful Words at VOH Burundi
VOH Burundi held child protection trainings this week with the younger children to train them on the “Trash Can Technique,” which allows them to deal with hurtful words and throw them away.
The children were very interested and participated with attention and lots of interaction. Every child was engaged at the end, to entertain good words and throw the hurtful words in the Trash Can.
We are excited for the results of the trainings!
New Desks from the Ministry of Education!
VOH Chongwe is very thankful for a recent donation of desks from the Ministry of Education. It is always encouraging when local authorities show appreciation for the ministry of VOH and support the work in tangible ways. We took the opportunity to use this donation as a teaching opportunity—students worked together with staff and learned how to assemble the desks.
Grade 9 Opens at VOH Kenya
VOH Kenya is happy to announce that we now have a grade 9 class, which marks the start of our high school!
The construction of the high school is still underway, and for now the grade 9 students are in a temporary classroom, but they are happy to be able to stay at Hope Academy and continue their education with the friendships they have fostered with classmates and teachers for so
many years. VOH Kenya is extremely grateful for the generous donations that have made this next big step in our school’s future a possibility!
VOH Kitwe House Moms
Chicken Delivery!
Fresh chicken delivery day is always so much fun at VOH Malawi. When the chicken delivery truck arrives, each house chooses 6 chickens to take home for their family. The children are involved in the event and have lots of fun chasing the chickens who get free! There is always lots of laughter and smiles on “chicken day”.
VOH Mongu Welcomes Mrs. Muwana
VOH Mongu is happy to welcome Mrs. Muwana this year to our teaching staff. Mrs. Muwana recently retired from teaching at government schools, but is still eager to work with children in the classroom. She brings a wealth of knowledge to our school, and loves children. We are so thankful to have her!
Rainy Season in Zimbabwe
It’s rainy season in Zimbabwe and during the weeks of very strong rains we were forced to stop work on the new multi-purpose building that is currently under construction. Now that the rains have subsided, we are so thankful for the Hope Community Church members and community people who have shown up to volunteer their labour faithfully.
Almost 20 people showed up each morning from 7am-1pm for two weeks and saved us lots of dollars in labour costs–we are quickly making up for lost time!
Latest Blog “Director’s Blog: Our Spirit Should Make Our Lives Stand Out”
I decided that day that I want to live my life in such a way that I stand out; I do not want to live as one who just blends in. I want to live my life bringing joy to others as I move by the blowing of the spirit though my life…read more
Photo of the Week:
More from our #BringingHope photo project…
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