Up and Coming Business Women at VOH Kitwe: This Week at Villages of Hope

Check out what’s been going on this week at Villages of Hope-Africa!


VOH Kitwe Business Women

VOH Kitwe - business loan

These girls from VOH Kitwe recently received a small business loan from the VOH office and started their own tuck shop! They are standing inside their tuck shop on opening day and they have already sold out of a couple of items. The girls are so excited to have the opportunity to run the tuck shop and they are learning important business skills.


VOH Burundi Welcomes Freddy Manariyo

voh burundi - freddy joins team

Village of Hope Burundi would like to congratulate Odette Niyibigira and her husband on the birth of their baby son last week! We are also happy to welcome Freddy Manariyo to the team as he steps in as Acting Administrator during Odette’s absence. Freddy is already busy in the office and we wish him all the best as he helps us with the day to day activities of VOH Burundi.


VOH Kitwe Graduate Joins Chongwe Staff

VOH Chongwe - georgina joins staff

VOH Chongwe is Happy to have Georgina join the team. Georgina, pictured in the middle with Samuel and Shaline, grew up at Village of Hope Kitwe, graduated grade 12 at the VOH Community School and then attended Business College in Kitwe.

After completing a two year program at College, Georgina joined the office staff in Kitwe where she worked as bookkeeper for 18 months. This past week, Georgina moved to Chongwe where she will be doing bookkeeping as well as secretarial work for the school and mentoring the young girls at the Village.
Welcome to Chongwe Georgina!


Making Clay Animals at VOH Kenya!

VOH Kenya - art class

The VOH-Kenya Pre-school classes are learning how to make animal figures out of clay in their Creative Arts class. Clay is abundant here in Kisumu during the current rainy season – right now there is more than enough wet clay available for them right outside the classroom doors. It looks like VOH-Kenya has some artists in the making!


VOH Kitwe Welcomes Intern Kassie

VOH Kitwe - visitor

Join VOH Kitwe in welcoming Kassie Johnston! Kassie is in the Community Health Program at Louisiana State University and after learning about VOH through our website, Kassie received permission from her professors to do a three month internship at VOH Kitwe. She is working with the physical education classes from Kindergarten to grade 6 teaching them many new games focusing on physical activity.  Kassie is also assessing the strength and flexibility of each student and preparing a tool for the school to use to track the student’s physical progress.

Since she arrived the children are excited to spend time with her in the class and on the playground. Kassie says, “I absolutely love being here and interacting with children brings so much Joy.”


VOH Mongu Children Start Business!

VOH Mongu - business owners

These three children from VOH Mongu are new business owners, selling their own flavored ice treats.
They spent their Saturday morning with two school friends selling their ice blocks to farmers who were hard at work and happy to have something cool and refreshing to enjoy.

Right now temperatures in Mongu are regularly over 40 degrees and many days over 50 degrees – the children were very proud of the money they were able to make in just a few short hours!


Fun and Sports at VOH Mwanza!

VOH Mwanza - sports day

Last week at VOH Mwanza the children had lots of fun with both planned and impromptu sports and games! The top photo shows an “Under12” football and basketball tournament hosted at VOH. We invited children from a nearby community church to participate in the match and we tied 4-4 in the football match, and won 7-5 in the basketball game. It was an exciting day for everyone!

The bottom photo shows Uncle George and a group of small children and toddlers having fun together with impromptu races and games. George is responsible for maintenance at the Village and It is such a great sight to see staff taking initiative and positively interacting with the children and just having fun together!


Photo of the Week:

#bringinghope so I can be a pastor


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