VOH-Malawi Finds Permanent Home for their School: This Week at Villages of Hope

A Permanent Home for VOH-Malawi School

VOH-Malawi was just given a permanent home for our school – 4 classrooms and an administration building!

Now we are able to pick up orphans from the nearby village and give them a quality education along with our VOH children.


Meet the Twins of VOH-Kitwe

VOH Kitwe is having some fun after receiving two identical twins (meaning it is very difficult to place names on who is who, because they are very identical!).

The boys names are Moses and Ben – aged 7. They were abandoned by a living relative who failed to give them the primary care. The Boys were brought by a policewoman who was directed by someone in the area, who happen to know that VOH Kitwe was a very safe and welcoming place.  The Boys have since been placed in one of the houses and are receiving food and every necessary care a child deserves. They love to play and this is one of their favourite spots – the big tire in the playground!


The Latest Members of the VOH-Chongwe Family

VOH-Chongwe welcomes two new members to their family: Monica who is 7yrs old and Catherine who is 4. They both have brought joy to the Village and we are excited to have them here!


New Director’s Blog: “Listening to the Children’s Perspective”

Executive Director Sergio Bersaglio reflects on the VOH-A Annual Leadership Meetings, which took place this past month. In attendance this year was VOH-Kitwe graduate Samuel Mamatu, who now works as the Assistant Administrator at VOH-Chongwe. Samuel got a chance to meet with the youth of VOH-Zimbabwe when the meetings were over, which reminded everyone how important it is to remember to listen to the children’s perspective of things… Click to Read this Blog Post


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